Assembly learning help. ?

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4 comments, last by Freewilli 22 years, 4 months ago
I''m in the process of trying to learn x86 assembly (flat mem model). I have read many of the tutorials, but im still having some trouble. One method I have found that is very helpful is using a HL language that will compile to (intel)assembly. The one im currently working with is Pascal Pro. It does an ok job and outputs tasm format. My question is, Does anyone know of other free compilers (C or Pascal) that will output intel asm in masm or tasm format? Thanks.
try Dev c++ or Dev Pascal... btw i think NASM is better than

FIY.. TASM is faster than MASM

(always anonymous)
sorry forgot to ask ya.

have u read ''The Art Of Assembly'' by Randall Hyde

(always anonymous)
Borland''s free C/C++ compiler outputs to Tasm code.
FYI Borland''s C/C++ 5.5 is free.. get it from
their website

(always anonymous)
Thanks!, I''ll try borland''s C compiler. I have read the AOA, I keep it bookmarked actually. Dev c++ uses Mingw which as far as i can tell uses at&t syntax and does not output to asm. The same goes for dev pascal. I''m hoping to find a nice method of converting HL syntax into asm as a learning process. So that I
can see what the compiler has done with the code. Pascal pro does a nice job, but its always good see different examples.

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