Bug: Overly Sharp Highlights in PBR

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4 comments, last by koiava 7 years, 7 months ago

Hey guys! I'm still working on my BRDF equations. Theoretically, all equations are correct, but the hilights are super sharp. I'm not sure if this is a result of me not using Image-Based Lighting (I currently use just an env map with a LOD function). I'm using materials from here: http://freepbr.com/c/base-materials/ - I use Specular/Gloss but the materials use the fragment shader to convert it.


Material Frag Shader (Excerpt) (Specifically, the Metalness-Roughness shader):

float Roughness = baseSpecular.a;
if (uTexRoughEnabled == 1)
	Roughness = texture(texRoughness, UV).r;

float Metalness = texture(texSpecular, UV).r;

// 1 - Roughness becomes Glossiness
specular = vec4(mix(vec3(0.4), albedo.rgb, Metalness), 1-Roughness);
albedo = vec4(mix(albedo.rgb, vec3(0), Metalness), 1-Roughness);

Lighting Functions:

vec3 Light_F(in vec3 Specular, in float VH) {
	// Fresnel Schlick
	return Specular + (1-Specular) * pow(1-VH, 5.0f);

float Light_D(in float alpha, in float NH) {
	// GGX
	float alphaSqr = alpha*alpha;
	float denom = NH * NH * (alphaSqr - 1) + 1;

	return alphaSqr / (pi * denom * denom);

float Light_V( in float NL, in float NV, in float alpha ) {
	// Frostbite's GGX
	float Lambda_GGXV = NL * sqrt (( - NV * alpha + NV ) * NV + alpha );
	float Lambda_GGXL = NV * sqrt (( - NL * alpha + NL ) * NL + alpha );

	return 0.5f / ( Lambda_GGXV + Lambda_GGXL );

vec3 Light_Diffuse(in float NV, in float NL, in vec3 Normal, in float alpha, in vec3 Albedo, in vec3 eyeDir, in vec3 lightDir) {
        // Oren-Nayar
        float gamma = dot( eyeDir - Normal * NV, lightDir - Normal * NL);
        float A = 1.0f - 0.5f * (alpha / (alpha + 0.57f));
        float B = 0.45f * (alpha / (alpha + 0.09));
	float diffAlpha = max( acos( NV ), acos( NL ) );
	float diffBeta  = min( acos( NV ), acos( NL ) );
	float C = sin(diffAlpha) * tan(diffBeta);
	return Albedo * (A + B * max( 0.0f, gamma ) * C) / pi;

Final lighting function in deferred renderer:

vec3 LightCalc(in vec3 Albedo, in vec4 WorldPos, in vec4 Specular, in vec3 Normal, in samplerCube envMap, in vec3 lightPos, in float lightAtten, in vec4 lightColor) {
	vec3 lightDir	= WorldPos.xyz - lightPos;
	vec3 eyeDir	= normalize(eyePos - WorldPos.xyz);
	vec3 eyeReflect = reflect(-eyeDir, Normal);
	float Distance	= length(lightDir);
	lightDir		= -normalize(lightDir);
	float Attenuation = clamp(1 - pow(Distance / lightAtten, 4), 0, 1);
	Attenuation = Attenuation*Attenuation/(Distance*Distance+1);
	vec3 AmbientColor = vec3(Albedo.xyz)*0.01;
	float Roughness = 1-Specular.a;
	float alpha = Roughness * Roughness;
	vec3 H = normalize(eyeDir + lightDir);
	float NL = clamp(dot(Normal, lightDir), 0, 1);
	float NH = clamp(dot(Normal, H), 0, 1);
	float NV = clamp(dot(Normal, eyeDir), 0, 1);
	float LH = clamp(dot(lightDir, H), 0, 1);
	float VH = clamp(dot(eyeDir, H), 0, 1);
	float lod = compute_lod(alpha, 1, NH);
	vec3 reflectDir = normalize(eyeReflect);
	vec3 reflectPix = textureLod(envMap, reflectDir, lod).rgb;
	float D = Light_D(alpha, NH);
	vec3 F = Light_F(clamp(Specular.rgb, 0.018, 0.95), LH);
	float Vis = Light_V(NL, NV, alpha);
	vec3 Spec = (D * F * Vis) * reflectPix;
	vec3 Diffuse = Light_Diffuse(NV, NL, Normal, alpha, Albedo.rgb, eyeDir, lightDir);

	vec3 lightModifier = lightColor.xyz*lightColor.w*Attenuation;
	return NL*(Spec + max(Diffuse, AmbientColor))*lightModifier;

Feel free to point out any mistakes I made, even if not related to the issue. I've tested the materials in Unreal, and they looked correct. I doubt this is solely due to the lack of Image-Based Lighting. I also doubt this is an issue with using point lighting. Additionally, if I turn down the roughness by a lot, it becomes too dark a high roughness to be the issue.


Would using swapping to 1-Smoothness^4 and 0.16*Specular^2 help? This was suggested in the Frostbite papers, but it might be specific to them. I've tried it, and it just lowers the reflections on the nonmetals a bit, plus widens the reflection on the metals. I'm not sure if this is physically accurate. Someone suggested I remove the final NL in the return, but without it, it's bright all over. NL is in neither the Spec or Diffuse, I moved it to optimize a bit.

Some more information would be helpful, specifically: What is it that you are trying to accomplish that is not being accomplished? A comparison image of the reference/target render as compared to your results for example.

Just looking at the provided picture doesn't make it clear, I see 5 apparently shiny materials that I would assume are correctly being rendered as shiny, and a rough brick material that looks fairly rough. So right now no error appears obvious.

Do you mean that they're too bright?

You need to use a HDR rendering pipeline with a good tonemapper at the end.

I agree with Hodgman. When roughness is small, specular values can go as high as "60". It's not in the [0; 1] range. You need HDR.

One more observation: is it me, or you're not using gamma correction?

even if it looks correct you should write several tests to ensure that it really satisfies his physical properties.
check this out.

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