Different Rotations, Scalations, etc....

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0 comments, last by Sebo 22 years, 3 months ago
Hi, Till now I''ve got all my knowledge from samples :-) I made a sample, with 3 Objects. I drew the Objects static on their places, without translation and scalation, etc.. Then I wanted to make 2 cylinders with the openGL Procedure for Cylinders and disks, etc. They should be on two different places. I tried to bring them on those two different places with glLoadIdentity(); and then the translation, scalation, etc. But it doesn''t work. I get some crazy..... So my question: How do i transform and rotate two different Objects, without rotating the others with the object?!
You call PushMatrix() before transforming your first object, then PopMatrix() after you''re done. And do the same with each object.

What that does is save a copy of the current transformation onto the matrix stack, let you do your local transform, then restore it to what it was.
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