Fast exp?

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3 comments, last by jtech 22 years, 2 months ago
Anyone have code for a fast calculation of the exponential function exp(n)? Either through appromixation or lookup tables?
a) you can do a finite sum evaluation (with n
exp(x) = sum( n=0..infinity, (x^n)/(n!) );

  double exp_approx( double x, unsigned int n ){  double result = 0;  double fact = 1;  while( n > 0 )  {    result = (fact + result) * x;    fact *= n--;  }  result /= fact;  return 1.0+result;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){  int i;  double x = 0;  for( i = 0; i < 100; ++ i)  {    double e1, e2, error = 0;    while( error <= 1e-6 )    {      e1 = exp_approx( x, i );      e2 = exp( x );      printf( "%6.3f %.20lf\r", x, error = fabs(e1-e2)/e2 );      x += 0.001;    }    printf( "\n" );  }  return 0;}  

Or, alternatively, try a decomposition of the IEEE float and a lookup table.

(not quite tested code)
  double exp_lookup_table[256];void exp_lookup_init(){   int i;   for( i = 0; i < 256; ++i )     exp_lookup_table[i] = expf( 1.0 + i / 256.0 ); // won''t work with denormalized numbers;}float exp_lookup( float in ) // yes, we take and return float not double.{  typedef union { int i; float f; } f2i_t;  f2i_t num;  num.f = in  bool negative = (num & 0x80000000) != 0;  long exponent = ((num & 0x7F800000) >> 23) - 127;  long mantissa = ((num & 0x007F8000) >> 15); // we''ll use a 256 entry lookup table  double result = exp_lookup_table[mantissa]; // yep it''s a double.  // Now, unfortunately, we have processing to do...  while( exponent > 0 )   {     result *= result;    ++exponent;  }  while( exponent < 0 )   {     result = sqrtf( result ); // THIS WILL BE SLOW    ++exponent;  }    if( negative ) result = 1.0 / result;    return (float)result;}  
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Most of the ideas you will find on the www are based on a fast 2 power n computation and limited developpement of exp(x)

exp(x) = 1+x+x2/2+x3/6 + xn/n! + ...

But I have a quicker solution.

Computing 2^n is simply setting the exponent of a floating point number. Read about the IEEE standard floating point representation.

Then as exp(x) = 2^(x/ln(2)), compute y=x*(1/ln(2))

Lets define as i=int(y), f=y-int(y)

Thus exp(x) = 2^i * 2^y. y beeing between 0 and 1 you can use the fast fixed point conversion trick (adding a big number) and it will be an index into your 2^y (0
// 16 bit precision exponential
// This works on any PC. It should work on most machines with some small precautions. (#defines)

float exp_16b( float x )
byte y[4];
int i,f,g,h; // 32 bits integers

((float*)y)[0] = x*inv_ln2 + magic; // ( store as a 8.16 fixed point )

// Big endian/little endian pb here ? Verify please !
i = y[2]; // integer part.
f = y[1]; // fractionnal part (MSB)
g = y[0]; // fractionnal part (LSB)
h = ((int*)lutExp)[f][0];
h+= i<<23; // Add i to the exponent <=> multiply by 2^i
((int*)y)[0]=h; // store
y*= lutExp[g][1];

return (y);

I guess it takes around 10 clock cycles.

You could extend it easilly to 24 or 32 bits by storing a 8.24 or 8.32 fixed point into a double (beware 64 bit alignement then). And 24 bits is the precision of floats !

I dont think anyone can provide a faster code for 16 bits of precision.

Oops : Fruny posted meanwhile. Roughly the same thing but mine is better (add to exponent). Just forgot to check the sign. If x can be negative then exp(-x) = exp(x), thus just add a test of the signbit (y[0]&(1<<31)) and h-=i<<23.

Edited by - Charles B on January 20, 2002 7:00:26 PM
"Coding math tricks in asm is more fun than Java"
Thanks to both.

I''m curious to see if lookup tables or appromixation is the

No comparison . Told you ... 10 cycles.
"Coding math tricks in asm is more fun than Java"

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