Annoying light problem

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1 comment, last by Qwanda 22 years ago
Hi! I have a (for me)major problem with using lighting in OpelGL. When I define the position of LIGHT0 like this... float lightPos[] = {20.0f, 0.0f, -30.0f}; glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPos); ... BEFORE I''m rotating and translating my scene, I get a lightsource that is fixed relative to the viewport. As I understand it, that is what is supposed to happen. But if I do the same thing AFTER I have rotated antranslated my scene I get the exact same result. I expect to get a lightsource thet is fixed relative to my scene. What am I missing here? Why is it still relative to the viewport? And maybe I should add that I am not pushing and popping the modelview-stack, so the modelview-matrix have the scene transformation. I hope I made my problem clear, and I really need all the help I can get... Thanks in advance / Qwanda.
have u checked the faq lighting section
if your problem is you can''t get the light staying still here:
after you''ve translated & rotated your scene repeat glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPos); see, light coordinates ade just like any vertex''s...they need to be rebuilt every frame to be fixed to scene

follow the yellow brick road
follow the yellow brick road

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