Learning C Pound

Published March 16, 2006
(Disclaimer: Yes, I know it is called C Sharp.)

For future job eligibility, I have finally decided to break down and learn C Pound.

My initial impressions:

Its not really all that different from most of the other language I program in.

I *DO NOT* much care for the Equals() thing.

I really like the idea behind "partial".

Using "new" and the way C Pound deals with arrays is fine with me. It isn't all that much different than &#106avascript/ActionScript, which I can deal with.

Properties are a good thing.

A lot reminds me of Java. The whole "put the implentation where you put the interface" thing, and the whole System.DooDads.Thingies.Whatever reminds me of the hugenormous Java packages.

The IDE is a different matter, and is really a separate topic to the language itself. I'm using VS 2005, and some features I find nice, like the global renaming thing.

Other features, such as making "get{return(m_member);}" into "get { return (m_member); }", I could take or leave. I don't really care if an IDE automatically conforms my code to it's own style.

I ordered a notebook computer, and the shipping tracker thingie says it should be here tomorrow, which means I'll be able to do stuff at my apartment. Sweet.
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Rob Loach
You don't have to use Equals()...

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March 16, 2006 11:29 AM
I actually rather like the style conformity. There are options to change some of the behavior (like foo(){ rather than foo()\n{). It helps take some of the burden off of me as the programmer to worry about formatting so I can focus on developing; C# as a whole does quite a lot of that. I also find it convinient when I want (the IDE) to auto-format someone else's code to be conistant with mine.
March 16, 2006 12:49 PM
Other features, such as making "get{return(m_member);}" into "get { return (m_member); }", I could take or leave. I don't really care if an IDE automatically conforms my code to it's own style.

I usually turn that off for most of the time, and then enable it when I'm copying old code into my project, to quickly "reconform" it.

To be honest, I don't think I've used Equals(), ever.

I usually end up using an IComparer object and checking the result versus 0.

The base libraries are great; though there are times when I'm a little bit lost as to where something is. For example, I can't ever remember that serialization is in System.Runtime (it doesn't really make a lot of sense)

C#'s arrays are amazing, especially compared to Java (blech). OH LOOK! BUILT-IN-MULTI-DIMENSIONAL-ARRAYS!!! Whodathunkit?

Properties are a godsend. Trust me on this.
March 16, 2006 03:03 PM
I'm all over properties, mainly due to my exposure to function set and function get in ActionScript.
March 16, 2006 04:34 PM
I thought it was called Chash.
March 17, 2006 07:28 AM
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