The monsters are back

Published June 04, 2006
The quadtree code is pretty much complete with each quad containing the subsectors and walls that fall in it. With that done I was able to reimplement the THINGS code. Now instead of having 30 animations per monster(with one timer per animation) only each monster "type" has the animations(stored as static) and each monster has a timer to keep track of the frame. So the "timer lag" I had is pretty much gone. I get about 40 FPS on most levels except for the insanely huge ones. Once the BSP tree and a proper scene manager get implemented we should see much better frame rates. Oh and I fixed some more wall texturing problems, God-damn wall textures seem to be a never ending problem.

Here are some screenshots I got while roaming around.

I've been thinking about making an IOTD seeing as I have plenty of screenshots, but I'd rather wait until I have some gameplay shots rather than a glorified level viewer.
Previous Entry The pain of it all
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I think you should put it on IOTD now. I always love seeing the screenshots from this journal, and I don't think I'm the only one.

Besides, you could just make another IOTD thread when you're done with the gameplay.
June 04, 2006 07:01 AM
Quote:Original post by Scet
Now instead of having 30 animations per monster(with one timer per animation) only each monster "type" has the animations(stored as static) and each monster has a timer to keep track of the frame.

By 'timer', do you mean an actual WinForm Timer component *per* monster? If so, than my response, good sir, is GAH. If not, then how are you doing timing of animations? Something must be funky here, because animation timing shouldn't even make a dent your framerate. :-/

And I'm in agreement to Stompy: do one now to build more hype, then one once it gets to the "playable" stage. I'm following the same method with Skirmish. [grin]
June 04, 2006 08:11 AM
Quote:Original post by HopeDagger
By 'timer', do you mean an actual WinForm Timer component *per* monster? If so, than my response, good sir, is GAH. If not, then how are you doing timing of animations? Something must be funky here, because animation timing shouldn't even make a dent your framerate. :-/

Yes it's one WinForm Timer per monster. The timers aren't affecting the framerate anymore. I suspect the reason they were before just had to do with the number of Tick delegates being called slowing the system down.

June 04, 2006 08:53 AM
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