
posted in Reminiscence
Published July 12, 2006
One of the first graphical video games was Pong, so I decided to implement it using Boo and BooGame:

BooPlayer Pong

The source is quite easy to understand if you take it one line at a time:

// Pong.boo// A Pong implementation using BooGame// To run, drag ontop of BooPlayer, or run BooPlayer BooPlayerPong.boo// By: Rob Loach (http://www.robloach.net)import BooGameimport System.Drawingpublic class Pong:   static font = BooGame.Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 30, FontStyle.Bold)   static player1score = 0   static player2score = 0      static player1 = RectangleF(20, Display.Height / 2f - 25,10,100)   static player2 = RectangleF(Display.Width - 30, Display.Height / 2f - 25, 10, 100)   static ball = Circle(Display.Width / 2f, Display.Height / 2f, 15)      static ballSpeed = Vector(250, -350)   static originalBallSpeed = ballSpeed.Length   static playerSpeed = 300      static def Draw():      // Draw the score and players and the ball      font.Print(player1score + ' : ' + player2score, Color.White, Display.Width / 2f, 0f, ContentAlignment.TopCenter)      Paint.FilledRectangle(player1, Color.White)      Paint.FilledRectangle(player2, Color.White)      Paint.FilledCircle(ball, Color.White)   static def Update():      // Move the ball      ball.X += ballSpeed.X * Timer.DeltaSeconds      ball.Y += ballSpeed.Y * Timer.DeltaSeconds            // Move the players      if Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.UpArrow):         player1.Y -= playerSpeed * Timer.DeltaSeconds      elif Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.DownArrow):         player1.Y += playerSpeed * Timer.DeltaSeconds               if ballSpeed.X > 0:         if ball.Y < player2.Y + player2.Height / 2f:            player2.Y -= playerSpeed * Timer.DeltaSeconds         elif ball.Y > player2.Y + player2.Height / 2f:            player2.Y += playerSpeed * Timer.DeltaSeconds            // Bound players and ball on screen      if player1.Y < 0:         player1.Y = 0         player1Speed = 0      if player1.Y + player1.Height > Display.Height:         player1.Y = Display.Height - player1.Height         player1Speed = 0      if player2.Y < 0:         player2.Y = 0         player2Speed = 0      if player2.Y + player2.Height > Display.Height:         player2.Y = Display.Height - player2.Height         player2Speed = 0            if ball.Top <= 0 and ballSpeed.Y < 0:         ballSpeed = ballSpeed.Reflection(90)      if ball.Bottom >= Display.Height and ballSpeed.Y > 0:         ballSpeed = ballSpeed.Reflection(90)      if ball.Right < 0:         player1score++         ball.Location = PointF(Display.Width / 2f, Display.Height / 2f)         ballSpeed.X *= -1         ballSpeed.Length = originalBallSpeed      elif ball.Left > Display.Width:         player2score++         ball.Location = PointF(Display.Width / 2f, Display.Height / 2f)         ballSpeed.X *= -1         ballSpeed.Length = originalBallSpeed               // Check collisions      if ballSpeed.X > 0:         if ball.Rectangle.IntersectsWith(player2):            ballSpeed = ballSpeed.Reflection(0)            ballSpeed.Length += 15f      elif ballSpeed.X < 0:         if ball.Rectangle.IntersectsWith(player1):            ballSpeed = ballSpeed.Reflection(0)            ballSpeed.Length += 15f      static def KeyDown(obj, e as KeyboardEventArgs):      if e.Key == Keys.Escape:         Core.QuitApplication()   static def Main():      Display.WindowCaption = 'BooGame - Pong!'      Display.ClearColor = Color.Black      Core.Draw += Draw      Core.Update += Update      Keyboard.KeyDown += KeyDown 

Wow, the Python syntax highlighting doesn't work with Boo at all. Anyway, all you have to do to run it is to put it into a pong.boo file, and then drag the file onto BooPlayer.exe. It would be neat to have an online database of these BooPlayer scripts of which users could connect to and run the scripts remotely. That's for later though, after 4E5 [wink].

The hard thing about 4E5 is getting the graphics. I wish I had programmer art skillz, yo....

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After 4E5 I'm going to have to look into Boo, it looks really good.

What kind of game are you making for 4E5?
July 12, 2006 07:42 PM
I don't think "programmer art skillz" really exist, anyone can draw programmer art. I think it's more of an acceptance thing. I for one could not release something if I didn't enjoy the graphics, they don't have to look like the latest crap, but they should be decent. Stompy however seems not to really care, which looks like a good trait considering his progress.

July 12, 2006 08:06 PM
Heh, my ego is too big 'n bloated to release screenshots with programmer art, like Stompy. [grin]
July 12, 2006 08:49 PM
Quote:It would be neat to have an online database of these BooPlayer scripts of which users could connect to and run the scripts remotely. That's for later though, after 4E5 .

Check out http://balloon.hobix.com/ Same idea for ruby scripts up and running.
July 12, 2006 09:34 PM
Rob Loach
Quote:Original post by MustEatYemen
Quote:It would be neat to have an online database of these BooPlayer scripts of which users could connect to and run the scripts remotely. That's for later though, after 4E5 .
Check out http://balloon.hobix.com/ Same idea for ruby scripts up and running.
Very cool, I'll have to find out some server architechure for a Boo/PHP system.

Quote:Original post by Programmer16
What kind of game are you making for 4E5?
A 2D platformer where you star as a Fabio-esque character, having "adventures" in Venice. [wink]

.... Well, that's what I hope to be working on.

Quote:Original post by Programmer16
After 4E5 I'm going to have to look into Boo, it looks really good.
I like it a lot as it interfaces nicely with the CLI and adds some functionality which really saves you typing time, especially when it comes to arrays and collections. It also has something called "duck" typing, which is somewhat like the notion of generics, except it works with .NET 1.1, which is neat.
July 13, 2006 10:12 AM
Julian Spillane
Your Pong game using Boo brings back many fond memories of my learning of the XBox hardware and XDK. First game I made for the XBox was Pong. Or as I liked to call it: PongX: Revenge of the Pong.

There's nothing like playing Pong on a 60" widescreen plasma display with surround sound. Truly.
August 22, 2006 02:20 PM
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