community service

Published August 01, 2006
I frequently spend time in #gamedev helping out anyone and everyone who stops by. This can, at times, include the complete newbies... I have fond recollections of spending an hour chatting to a guy whose mind was blown when we explained to him that he'd have to write code to do the bloodsplats on the walls in his FPS himself, and that the computer wouldn't just do them for him. Good times.

Anyway, there was another newbie in today, and I tried to sort him out with some 'big picture' concepts. Here's a flowchart I drew up for Hangman - it's missing a couple of bits, but hey. You journal people like pictures, right?

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BattleStar Hangman!!!
August 01, 2006 07:58 PM
You're missing flow direction arrows. Without them, it isn't always clear how the logic works (unless of course you've spent enough time programming to figure out things in reverse, in which case flow charts are a total waste of time).

Nice other than that, though.
August 01, 2006 11:30 PM
Quote:Original post by ApochPiQ
You're missing flow direction arrows. Without them, it isn't always clear how the logic works (unless of course you've spent enough time programming to figure out things in reverse, in which case flow charts are a total waste of time).

Nice other than that, though.

I can tell it's too early in the morning because I tried to figure out how displaying what the user has guessed so far could return 'yes' or 'no'.
August 02, 2006 03:43 AM
August 02, 2006 05:06 AM
omg paula bean
August 02, 2006 07:41 AM
just started a course on c++ an have drawn up this code ofr hangman. any good ??


Get user name for player one
Get user name for player two
Player one to enter secret word
Output on screen underscores to denote number of letters in word
Player two to guess a letter
If letter in word
Show letter in place of the underscore
Repeat if more of the same letters are in the word
Else show part of gallows
Until Word guessed or gallows complete
November 10, 2006 10:52 AM
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