
posted in Beals Software
Published August 21, 2006
Well, I was pretty unmotivated today. I pretty much just laid on the floor all day staring at the TV. I went to settle into my normal routine (switching back and forth between TLCoM and Project Asrion, but we seem to be having issues with the network or something (I got halfway through an update and had some conflicts. So I resolved them and then the network dropped or something.) So, I decided to just do a few things on Project Asrion and head to bed.

So, I implemented ray-picking for objects:

Selected Meshy

Selected MeshyJr

And since that only took a few minutes I decided to move onto lighting. That didn't turn out so well[sad]. I think the problem is in the mesh or something (screwed up normals; maybe not though.) Anyway, in the following screenshots, the light moves to the selected mesh:

Or, then again that may be how it should look. I haven't had much practice with lights.

My lack of 3D knowledge is really becoming a roadblock lol. For instance, when my camera moves into the negative Z, all of my meshes disappear and I have no clue why lol.

Edit: I'm thinking the above problem has to do with my camera code (duh, right?) Anyway, I do have something really wierd going on:
D3DXMATRIX ViewMatrix, RotX, RotY, RotZ;D3DXMatrixRotationX(&RotX, D3DXToRadian(CameraYaw));D3DXMatrixRotationY(&RotY, D3DXToRadian(CameraPitch));D3DXMatrixRotationZ(&RotZ, D3DXToRadian(CameraRoll));D3DXVECTOR3 Movement = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);if(this->KeyStates[VK_LEFT] || this->KeyStates[VK_NUMPAD4])Movement.x += (1.0f * (1.0f / DeltaTime));if(this->KeyStates[VK_RIGHT] || this->KeyStates[VK_NUMPAD6])Movement.x -= (1.0f * (1.0f / DeltaTime));if((this->KeyStates[VK_UP] || this->KeyStates[VK_NUMPAD8]) && !this->KeyStates[VK_CONTROL])Movement.y += (1.0f * (1.0f / DeltaTime));if((this->KeyStates[VK_DOWN] || this->KeyStates[VK_NUMPAD2]) && !this->KeyStates[VK_CONTROL])Movement.y -= (1.0f * (1.0f / DeltaTime));if((this->KeyStates[VK_UP] || this->KeyStates[VK_NUMPAD8]) && this->KeyStates[VK_CONTROL])Movement.z -= (1.0f * (1.0f / DeltaTime));if((this->KeyStates[VK_DOWN] || this->KeyStates[VK_NUMPAD2]) && this->KeyStates[VK_CONTROL])Movement.z += (1.0f * (1.0f / DeltaTime));D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&Movement, &Movement, &(RotX * RotY * RotZ));CameraX += Movement.x;CameraY -= Movement.y; //<-- THIS LINECameraZ += Movement.z;

Okay, with that code, when I press up or down, it slides just how I want it to. It moves according to the angle of the terrain (it goes toward and away from the terrain, instead of up and down.) BUT, if I change it to +=, it does move up and down.
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Welcome to 3D :). Might want to check what your near and far planes set at and make sure you're not just clipping out the meshes as you are moving away.
August 21, 2006 04:15 PM
That lighting actually looks correct.

Here's what's happening. You are doing vertex lighting. You are calculating the light value at each vertex using the vertex normal. The vertex normal is an average of the surface normal of every face that shares that vertex. Therefore, those edges closer to the camera point towards it, and those farther away point away. If, instead of using the vertex normal, you used the surface normal, you should see correct results. Are you using OpenGL? If so, prototype it in immediate mode before you switch it back to vertex buffers.

All in all, I can tell you why it looks like that, but can't tell you anyway to fix it other than 'draw in immediate mode and calculate the vertex lighting yourself' because I never got anything 3d out of the experimentation stage, and I always used immediate mode stuff.
August 21, 2006 05:05 PM
Quote:Original post by Deyja
That lighting actually looks correct.

Here's what's happening. You are doing vertex lighting. You are calculating the light value at each vertex using the vertex normal. The vertex normal is an average of the surface normal of every face that shares that vertex. Therefore, those edges closer to the camera point towards it, and those farther away point away. If, instead of using the vertex normal, you used the surface normal, you should see correct results. Are you using OpenGL? If so, prototype it in immediate mode before you switch it back to vertex buffers.

All in all, I can tell you why it looks like that, but can't tell you anyway to fix it other than 'draw in immediate mode and calculate the vertex lighting yourself' because I never got anything 3d out of the experimentation stage, and I always used immediate mode stuff.

I figured it had something to do with the normals, but I was thinking that the tiles further back should be all black, not partially lit. I'm not really going to worry about it right now, once I implement my shader system I'll fix it since I'll probably do lighting via shaders.

I'm using Direct3D not OpenGL.

Thanks! And btw, I'm still working on your tiles. Sorry it's taking so long =/.
August 21, 2006 06:11 PM
Maybe you should move to GL! :) Join us and see what you have been missing!
August 22, 2006 03:59 AM
Quote:Original post by MARS_999
Maybe you should move to GL! :) Join us and see what you have been missing!

I already know what I'm missing. Horrible C style syntax and a lack of OO design. No thanks, I'll stick with Direct3D[razz].

Seriously though, I had plans to learn OpenGL after I finish my projects.
August 22, 2006 05:09 AM
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