Version 1.1 of the linked list

Published November 23, 2006
Hopefully this is a little better then the last version, removed some redundant code and hopefully fixed a few o the memory leaks.


/* Linked List version 1.1 by Wijnand Dalmijn 20017368 Changes: Cleaned up code a little bitfixed a loop bug TODO: 1.Figure out how to stop memory leaks*/#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;//making a structure where the initial information will be put.struct LinkedList{string firstName, lastName, residence, adress, telephone; //standard variables for inputLinkedList* nextList ; // the pointer to the next structure};LinkedList* nextlist = NULL; // pointer where the next list is, this is a global pointer.void makeSelection()// gives a list of the options someone can choose when he starts the program{	cout << "Please make a selection: \n";	cout << "1: add a new linkedlist object \n";	cout << "2: List entire contents of List \n";	cout << "3: Display the third element \n";	cout << "4: Remove the third element from the list \n";	cout << "5: What is the adress of element 3? \n";	cout << "6: remove the first element \n";	cout << "7: What is the memory size of 1 Element? \n";	cout << "8: Display the names and adres of everyone \n";	cout << "0: Exit \n";}LinkedList* makeList(LinkedList* startlist){			LinkedList* newList = new LinkedList; //Create a new structure list	    // fill up the list with information		cout << "What is your name? \n";		cin >> newList->firstName;		cout << "What is your last name? \n";		cin >> newList->lastName;		cout << "Where do you live? \n";		cin >> newList->residence;		cout << "What is your address? \n";		cin >> newList->adress;		cout << ("What is your phone number? \n");		cin >> newList->telephone;if (startlist == NULL) // check if there is an existing pointer.	{		newList->nextList = NULL; //set the pointer in the struct to zero. 		startlist = newList; //pointer where the list starts.		nextlist = newList; //pointer where the list starts, to continue in the next step.		return startlist;// return this value to the main()	}	else	{	    //fill the correct pointer in first 		nextlist->nextList = newList; // set the pointer in the struct to the next struct.		newList->nextList = NULL; // make sure this is set to NULL or else your memory gets gulped.		nextlist = newList; 		return startlist;// return this value to main ();	}}// the mainint main(){		LinkedList* startlist = NULL; //pointer to where the first variable goes to 	char input;	bool mainloop = true; // boolean that stops the while.	while(mainloop) //loop so the program does not shutdown after first selection	{	makeSelection(); // display the input possible. 	cin >> input; // get the input from the screen.    		switch(input)		{		case '0':			{				mainloop = false; //exit the program			}break;		case '1':			{			startlist = makeList(startlist); 			}break;		case '2':			{				//Display everything that has been put in the list.				bool loop = true;				LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList; // maak een nieuwe list aan.				showList = startlist;				while(loop)				{					cout << showList->firstName <<endl;					cout << showList->lastName <<endl;					cout << showList->adress <<endl;					cout << showList->residence <<endl;					cout << showList->telephone <<endl;					if(showList->nextList == NULL) // check if you reahed the end of the list					{					loop = false;					cout << "The Complete listing has been shown! \n";					}					else					{						nextlist = showList->nextList; //fill the information						showList = nextlist; // fill the struct so that the rest can be displayed					}												}			  delete showList; // kill the list, it is no longer needed.			}break;		case '3':			{			// display the third element only			 LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList;			 showList = startlist;				for(int i = 0; i<2; i++)				{					nextlist = showList->nextList;					showList = nextlist;				}			 //Display the third Element			  cout << "Displaying the Third element! \n";			  cout << showList->firstName <<endl;			  cout << showList->lastName <<endl;			  cout << showList->adress <<endl;			  cout << showList->residence <<endl;			  cout << showList->telephone <<endl;			  delete showList; //remove from the memory.			}break;		case '4':			{			 LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList;			 LinkedList* removeList = new LinkedList;			 showList = startlist;			 removeList = startlist;			 // find the address for the third pointer				for(int i = 0; i<2; i++)				{					removeList = removeList->nextList;				}			 // find the second pointer			   for (int i = 0; i<1; i++)			   {				 	showList = showList->nextList;			   }			   showList->nextList = removeList->nextList;			   delete removeList;			}break;		case '5': 			{			 // display the adress of the third element			 LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList;			 showList = startlist;				for(int i = 0; i<2; i++)				{					nextlist = showList->nextList;					showList = nextlist;				}				cout << "Showing the adres of the third element";				cout << showList->adress <<endl;			    delete showList; // remove from the memory			}break;		case '6':			{			// remove the first Element			 LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList;			 LinkedList* removeList = new LinkedList;			 showList = startlist;			 removeList = startlist;						 showList->nextList = removeList->nextList;			 delete removeList;						}break;		case '7':			{			//the memory size of one element			LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList;			showList = startlist;			cout << "the Memory size of 1 element is" << sizeof(showList->firstName);			delete showList; // remove from memeory			}break;		case '8':			{				//Display The names and phone numbers of every list.				bool loop = true;				LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList;				showList = startlist;				while(loop)				{					cout << showList->firstName <<endl;					cout << showList->lastName <<endl;					cout << showList->telephone <<endl;					if(showList->nextList == NULL)					{					loop = false;					cout << "The Complete listing has been shown! \n";					}					else					{						nextlist = showList->nextList;						showList = nextlist;					}							}				delete showList;			}break;		default: // the default setting if something else is added. 			{			cout << "Please select one of the numbers selected on the screen" << endl;			}break;		}		}}
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Linked lists are fun, aren't they. Glad to hear you are making progress.

Reason for the post - ref your last post there is an excellent article by Oluseyi right here about wrapping the Win32 API window stuff in a class. Hope this is of some interest. It is a very good article.
November 24, 2006 07:36 AM
Test your program carefully, you have broken it!

For example, if you add 2 people, then list everyone, the add another person you lose the first person!

Strange behaviour to say the least. [smile]

I believe many of your errors stem from your global nextlist variable. I have difficulty seeing how you need it.

Here is a piece of code that I think is overly complex:

bool loop = true;
LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList; // maak een nieuwe list aan.
showList = startlist;
	cout << showList->firstName << endl;
	cout << showList->lastName << endl;
	cout << showList->adress << endl;
	cout << showList->residence << endl;
	cout << showList->telephone << endl;

	if(showList->nextList == NULL) // check if you reahed the end of the list
	loop = false;
	cout << "The Complete listing has been shown! \n";
		nextlist = showList->nextList; //fill the information
		showList = nextlist; // fill the struct so that the rest can be displayed
delete showList;

This could be re-written as:

LinkedList* showList = startlist;
while(showList != NULL)
	cout << showList->firstName << endl;
	cout << showList->lastName << endl;
	cout << showList->adress << endl;
	cout << showList->residence << endl;
	cout << showList->telephone << endl;

	showList = showList->nextList;
cout << "The Complete listing has been shown! \n";

You do not need to allocate memory to iterate over a list, the list already exists. As you do not need to allocate, you do not need to de-allocate at the end.

Finally the use of the global "nextList" is removed.

However, this may or may not work due to possible errors elsewhere in your code.

Again I encourage you to try seperating the LinkedList into 2 or more structures, I have coded up a linked list like yours to see what it was like, it weas quite workable once you seperate some of the logic into a few helper functions.

I found the following function set useful for use on the structures I made:

struct LinkedListData
    string firstName, lastName, residence, adress, telephone;

struct LinkedListNode
    LinkedListData data;
    LinkedListNode *next;

struct LinkedList
    // you dont need the size, but its useful
    int size;
    LinkedListNode *first;

// create an empty linked list
LinkedList *makeList();

// remove all the elements from this list
void clearList( LinkedList *list );

// destroy a linked list
void freeLinkedList( LinkedList *list );

// add the data to the front of the list
void addToLinkedList( LinkedList *list, const LinkedListData &data );

// remove this node from the list
void removeFromLinkedList( LinkedList *list, LinkedListNode *nodeToRemove );

// return the node at position "index" in the list
LinkedListNode *nodeAt( LinkedList *list, int index );

I made a version of your program using my linked list, it seems to work.

If you have handed up the assignment and are struggling trying to manage memory, you can have it as a reference if you want.
November 24, 2006 09:20 AM
Test your program carefully, you have broken it!

For example, if you add 2 people, then list everyone, the add another person you lose the first person!

Strange behaviour to say the least. [smile]

I believe many of your errors stem from your global nextlist variable. I have difficulty seeing how you need it.

Here is a piece of code that I think is overly complex:

bool loop = true;
LinkedList* showList = new LinkedList; // maak een nieuwe list aan.
showList = startlist;
	cout << showList->firstName << endl;
	cout << showList->lastName << endl;
	cout << showList->adress << endl;
	cout << showList->residence << endl;
	cout << showList->telephone << endl;

	if(showList->nextList == NULL) // check if you reahed the end of the list
	loop = false;
	cout << "The Complete listing has been shown! \n";
		nextlist = showList->nextList; //fill the information
		showList = nextlist; // fill the struct so that the rest can be displayed
delete showList;

This could be re-written as:

LinkedList* showList = startlist;
while(showList != NULL)
	cout << showList->firstName << endl;
	cout << showList->lastName << endl;
	cout << showList->adress << endl;
	cout << showList->residence << endl;
	cout << showList->telephone << endl;

	showList = showList->nextList;
cout << "The Complete listing has been shown! \n";

You do not need to allocate memory to iterate over a list, the list already exists. As you do not need to allocate, you do not need to de-allocate at the end.

Finally the use of the global "nextList" is removed.

However, this may or may not work due to possible errors elsewhere in your code.

Again I encourage you to try seperating the LinkedList into 2 or more structures, I have coded up a linked list like yours to see what it was like, it weas quite workable once you seperate some of the logic into a few helper functions.

I found the following function set useful for use on the structures I made:

struct LinkedListData
    string firstName, lastName, residence, adress, telephone;

struct LinkedListNode
    LinkedListData data;
    LinkedListNode *next;

struct LinkedList
    // you dont need the size, but its useful
    int size;
    LinkedListNode *first;

// create an empty linked list
LinkedList *makeList();

// remove all the elements from this list
void clearList( LinkedList *list );

// destroy a linked list
void freeLinkedList( LinkedList *list );

// add the data to the front of the list
void addToLinkedList( LinkedList *list, const LinkedListData &data );

// remove this node from the list
void removeFromLinkedList( LinkedList *list, LinkedListNode *nodeToRemove );

// return the node at position "index" in the list
LinkedListNode *nodeAt( LinkedList *list, int index );

I made a version of your program using my linked list, it seems to work.

If you have handed up the assignment and are struggling trying to manage memory, you can have it as a reference if you want.
November 24, 2006 09:21 AM
Thank you for your insightfull posts, it really seeems to clear things up for me. I will probably try and clean things up this weekend. I noticed I broke it, and my teacher said he was "impressed" at my first toss at the problem and said he would guide me through the errors.

But your advise seems to do a lot of help me aswell :) thank you, I will take a peek at the rest of your code and see if i understand it and can practically use it :)

Again thanks! :)
November 24, 2006 04:11 PM
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