
posted in Beals Software
Published January 03, 2007
Looks like my brother's not going to be finishing my requested art any time soon, so I'm going ahead with out it. There will be a nice juicy entry waiting here for you guys come noon Friday (EST.)

I was working on DFT a little earlier and I realized that my bitmap font system wasn't as finished as I thought it was (word-break formatting hadn't been added.) So, I went through and added it and viola, I have a fully functional bitmap font system. It supports a combination of left, center, right, top, vertical center, bottom, and word-break formatting.

Word-break formatting works pretty simply (done behind the scenes.) BitmapFont::FormatString() takes the string as well as a boolean stating whether or not to do word-break formatting and the width of the bounds. It searches through and adds newlines when needed; if a word is too long to fit into the bounds, then "-\n" is used to split it.

Here's a screenshot of the system in action (this also shows the color-formatting in action as well):

dft::BitmapFont In Action

-Programming Stuff-
For those that are interested, here's my formatting code:
int BitmapFont::FormatString(std::string *Text, bool WordBreak, int BoundsWidth){	if(!Text)		return 0;	size_t StartingSize = Text->size();	int Width = 0, WidthSinceLastSpace = 0;	int LastSpace = 0;	for(unsigned int Index = 0; Index < Text->size(); ++Index)	{		char Character = (*Text)[Index];		switch(Character)		{		case '\t':			{				// expand tabs				--StartingSize;				Text->insert(Index + 1, "    ");				Text->erase(Index, 1);				break;			}		case ' ':			{				// store the position of the last space				LastSpace = Index;				WidthSinceLastSpace = 0;				break;			}		}		if(WordBreak)		{			int CharWidth = Metrics[Character];			if(Width + CharWidth > BoundsWidth) // if we're going to go out of bounds, move to the next line			{				if(WidthSinceLastSpace < BoundsWidth) // if the word is smaller than the bounds				{					(*Text)[LastSpace] = '\n';					Width = WidthSinceLastSpace;				}				else // if the word is larger than the bounds				{					Text->insert(Index - 1, "-\n");					WidthSinceLastSpace = 0;					Width = 0;				}			}			Width += CharWidth;			WidthSinceLastSpace += CharWidth;		}	}	return (int)(StartingSize - Text->size());}

Here's the code for the example:
// ^# is the color formatting tag.// The dft::Graphics::Color::Red at the end is the default color.Tahoma8->PreRender();Tahoma8->Print("This ^1is ^2a ^3test ^4of ^5the ^6bitmap ^7font ^8system^9!!!", -1, 0, 0, dft::Graphics::Color::Red);dft::Rectangle Bounds(dft::Point(100, 100), 100, 300);Tahoma8->Print("This ^1is ^2a ^3test ^4of ^5the ^6bitmap ^7font ^8system^9!!!", -1, &Bounds, dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::Center | dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::VCenter | dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::WordBreak, dft::Graphics::Color::Red);Bounds = dft::Rectangle(dft::Point(300, 100), 100, 300);Tahoma8->Print("This ^1is ^2a ^3test ^4of ^5the ^6bitmap ^7font ^8system^9!!! OMFGWTFBBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", -1, &Bounds, dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::Right | dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::VCenter | dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::WordBreak, dft::Graphics::Color::Red);Tahoma8->PostRender();
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