
posted in Beals Software
Published April 30, 2007
Got some more of the gameplay stuff done today. I had to fix the camera, but now I can make it focus on any point (via a pointer to a Vector2) and it'll follow the point correctly (before it lagged for some reason.) Although, I really don't think the way I'm doing it is the best. I guess we'll see once I get further in lol.

I also got a message system setup so that I can display simple, timed messages above the player's head (i.e. "Obtained Rocket Launcher!", "Picked up 24 Shotgun Shells", etc.)

AND, the best part IMO, I got the character hooked up to the controls. So, now you can move the player around and such.

Not much to show, except the message system. Here's me testing it:

Gotta love typos. I had originally put "This is an example message." but it sounded wrong so I erased example and put test.

After dinner its on to enemies and AI. So, I'll be needing some rope and a chair.

To be honest, other than my pong clones and that piece of shit I called a vertical scroller, this is the farthest I have made it on a project; once I get weapons working, enemies done, and events/scripting finished I believe all I have left is content. Hopefully! *crosses fingers*

Another quick modification to the HUD interface. I realized that I hadn't put in a way to switch the ammo types nor did I have any way to show what type of ammo you were using (trial and error when it comes to ammo isn't fun.) So, I added a small label next to ammo count and weapon area. Here's a little screenie:

Also, I'd REALLY appreciate some feedback on the layout of the HUD in the top left (the 'Paused' dialog won't be there later on.) I like the layout, but if anybody else can think of something better, let me know.

I've been asked about my GUI a couple times, so I figured I'd show a small example. The HUD in the game is created using this C++ code at the moment:
Hud = ParentGame->Environment.AddControl(new dft::Gui::HUD(0, 0, true));Hud->Visible = true;HealthBar = Hud->AddChild(new dft::Gui::Bar(126, 3, 127, 26, 0, PlayerChar.CurrentStats.Health, dft::Graphics::Color::Red, true));HealthBar->Visible = true;WeaponIcon = Hud->AddChild(new dft::Gui::Image(10, 34, 97, 32, "Graphics/weapons.png", Rectangle(0, 0, 97, 32), true));WeaponIcon->Visible = true;AmmoCountLabel = Hud->AddChild(new dft::Gui::Label(93, 35, 63, 31, "", "Ammo Count", Hud, true));AmmoCountLabel->Visible = true;AmmoCountLabel->FontFormatting = dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::Right | dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::VCenter;AmmoCountLabel->FontName = "DigitalReadout";AmmoCountLabel->FontColor = dft::Graphics::Color::Red;PlayerScoreLabel = Hud->AddChild(new dft::Gui::Label(4, 4, 118, 24, "0", "Player's Score", Hud, true));PlayerScoreLabel->Visible = true;PlayerScoreLabel->FontFormatting = dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::Right | dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::VCenter;PlayerScoreLabel->FontName = "DigitalReadout";PlayerScoreLabel->FontColor = dft::Graphics::Color::Red;PlayerScoreLabel->Text = Int::ToString(PlayerScore);AmmoTypeLabel = Hud->AddChild(new dft::Gui::Label(164, 34, 65, 10, "Normal", "Ammo Type", Hud, true));AmmoTypeLabel->Visible = true;AmmoTypeLabel->FontFormatting = dft::Graphics::FontFormatting::VCenter;AmmoTypeLabel->FontColor = dft::Graphics::Color::White;AmmoTypeLabel->Text = AmmoTypes::ToString(PlayerChar.CurrentAmmoType);

I do plan on adding a layout via an external file, but that'll come at a later time.

One last edit lol. I made a short movie showing off the moving character and how I've hooked up the message system. I didn't know how much time I had (Fraps can only take 30 second movies) so it's kind of rushed; sorry =/.

[Movie 1]
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Looking good.

Sorry I've not been following anyones journals for a while. Real life sort of took over, so I've just been catching up on your progress with this.

The menu on the right looks really nice and clean.
April 30, 2007 05:20 PM
Quote:Original post by EasilyConfused
Looking good.

Sorry I've not been following anyones journals for a while. Real life sort of took over, so I've just been catching up on your progress with this.

The menu on the right looks really nice and clean.


Lol, I know how you feel. Life has been taking up most of my time lately as well.

Thanks again! I've been working really hard on getting my GUI up and running.
April 30, 2007 05:50 PM
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