
posted in Beals Software
Published May 08, 2007
Ok, I finally came up with a more permanent name for Project Invasion: "Invasion: End of Days". It's not the most original name, but it explains things perfectly. It's either that or "Invasion: Fall of Man". What do you guys think?

As you can see from my task list, I don't have much left to do. I've run through things a couple times and I can't think of anything else that I'll need. I did realize that I won't need any scripting whatsoever, which will be nice. Once I get into the AI I might decide to add some though; we'll see.

Come tomorrow after 11 I've got 4 days off from work, so hopefully we'll see a lot of progress out of me. Then on Saturday I'm going with my friend to get my lip pierced. Got a long week ahead of me XD.

Anyway, here's the revised title-screen (still temporary):

I'm still trying to decide what kind of graphics style I want to use for the game. I want the game to be more of a serious game, but I think that a more cartoony look will suit it better. Doesn't really matter right now; I'll figure that out once I'm done and looking for an artist.

Anyway, I updated the banner as well. Now I'm off to work on something before I go to bed at 5. I'm really glad I don't have to work until 4 tonight lol.

Btw, I'm going to modify the KeyMapInput control to accept mouse input to. That way you could map the fire button to the left mouse button, use item to the right, and weapon switching to the mouse wheel. The only problem will be fixing the fact that everything receives every event that happens (so, if you click on the HUD or Debug Menu, it would click the button or whatnot, but it would still shoot the bullet.) Should be an easy fix, but we'll see lol.

I'm been thinking and I believe I'm going to expand the game a little and actually incorporate a storyline. I think it'll add a lot to the game. However, I'm still thinking about it. I'll decide before I move on though.

New avatar.
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Did you solve that problem mentioned a couple of posts ago with the Alt key?

Reason I ask is I had this problem with Udo and solved it by handling WM_SYSKEYDOWN as well as WM_KEYDOWN, but then just passing the parameters along to my normal WM_KEYDOWN handler.

I was even then able to special case Alt-F4 to close the program. I think the problem is that if you press W, you get a WM_KEYDOWN but if you then hold down Alt and release W, you get a WM_SYSKEYUP message rather than a WM_KEYUP message.

Don't know if that is the same problem with your project.
May 08, 2007 05:17 AM

May 08, 2007 08:29 AM
Quote:Original post by EasilyConfused
Did you solve that problem mentioned a couple of posts ago with the Alt key?

Reason I ask is I had this problem with Udo and solved it by handling WM_SYSKEYDOWN as well as WM_KEYDOWN, but then just passing the parameters along to my normal WM_KEYDOWN handler.

I was even then able to special case Alt-F4 to close the program. I think the problem is that if you press W, you get a WM_KEYDOWN but if you then hold down Alt and release W, you get a WM_SYSKEYUP message rather than a WM_KEYUP message.

Don't know if that is the same problem with your project.

Omg, thanks for reminding me. Actually, that sounds like exactly what the problem is. I'm already passing along most of the WM_SYSKEX messages to my input handler, I'll just add alt (except I'll have to add a special case for alt + tab.)

Thanks a lot! I hadn't even thought about that.
May 08, 2007 11:15 AM
Quote:Original post by Ravuya


Lmfao, you confuse me :P
May 08, 2007 11:18 AM
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