Struggles With Mice

posted in mittentacular
Published August 06, 2007
I vaguely remember the last time I wrote my own demo framework entirely from scratch -- as in, I didn't base things off of old code, I didn't code off a third-party engine/framework, and I didn't just base a program on a skeleton template for simplistic. The memory based in such conditions is one wrought with sadness, pain, and, uh, more sadness. Sadness squared is probably a good way of putting it.

But this time, since I figured I'll start having a great deal more free-time on week nights and weekends, I figure that if I'm going to start nestling in for a long year's hobby development that I sure as hell better have a good framework. And, so far, this idea has been treating me well. As I said in one of yesterday's trio of posts, the last few days I've been working on replacing all of the DXUT functionality that I have come to rely on. This, too, has been treating me well. And then I finally bit the bullet and wrote the mouse input and camera code (my lease favorite things I've had to write so far). Writing a camera is actually kind of fun so long as you have well-working input routines and the rest of your framework isn't straight out of the womb. But writing a decent camera with mouse code that you haven't properly tweaked to work well within a window, what with capturing and such, is the opposite of fun. The antifun. The thing that sheeps hear and run away ba-ba-ba-ing in pain and agony kind of antifun.

I did, though, manage to get the stuff working to the point where I could, with a bit of difficulty, move up from zombiegroin to see Boney's normal-mapped face:

So that's that. I'm also not entirely sure about the overall design of the Input class. At the time it seemed like a good idea, since it was something that actually screamed for program-wide instance. But I know people like Josh and Washu lash out against singletons. So this was my horrible idea for a class design:

class CWin32Input{public:	//Input Management Methods.	static void Activate( );	static void Deactivate( );		//Input State Query Methods		//Keyboard.	static void HandleKeyboardMessage( UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );			static inline bool IsKeyboardActive( ) 	{	return( m_bActiveKeyboard );	}	static inline bool IsKeyDown( long lChar )	{	return( m_bKeyboardState[lChar] );	}	static inline bool IsKeyUp( long lChar )	{	return( !m_bKeyboardState[lChar] );	}	static void SetKeyState( long lChar, bool isKeyDown );			//Mouse	static inline bool IsMouseActive( ) 	{	return( m_bActiveMouse );		}	static void SetMouseClip( bool bClip, long lLeft = -1, long lTop = -1, long lRight = -1, long lBottom  = -1 );	static void SetMouseButtonState( unsigned long ulMouseButton, bool isButtonDown );	static void SetMousePos( LPARAM lParam );	static void SetMouseWheel( WPARAM wParam );		static void HoldMouse( bool bHold, bool bHideCursor = false );		static inline void GetMousePos( long &x, long &y )		{	x = m_lMousePosX;		y = m_lMousePosY;		}	static inline void GetMouseDelta( long &dx, long &dy )	{	dx = m_lMouseDeltaX;	dy = m_lMouseDeltaY;	}		static bool IsMouseButtonDown( long lButton );	static bool IsMouseButtonUp( long lButton );private:CWin32Input( );~CWin32Input( );private:	//Keyboard Members.	static bool m_bKeyboardState[WIN32INPUT_NUM_KEYBOARD_STATES];	static long m_lKeyModifiers;	static bool m_bActiveKeyboard;		//Mouse Members.	static bool m_bMouseButtonState[MOUSE_BUTTON_COUNT];	static long m_lMousePosX, m_lMousePosY;	static long m_lMousePosXPrev, m_lMousePosYPrev;	static long m_lMouseDeltaX, m_lMouseDeltaY;	static long m_lMouseWheelDelta;	static bool m_bActiveMouse;		static RECT m_rectMouseClip;	static bool m_bClipMouse;};

I'm very willing to change this, as it's getting fairly unwieldy in practice, but I need good reason to motivate my need-for-a-rewrite brain portions.
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