current progress multipled by -1

Published December 09, 2007
so one of the problems with using technology that isn't mature is that it's still developing.

I realized today that I didn't update my engine to use XNA 2.0 yet (its currently using 1.1). So I looked into it, and it turns out that 2.0 isn't out yet. The beta is out, but that was supposed to end on the 7th, and when I tried it download it, it wouldn't install.

I read up on XNA 2.0, and it looks like theres gonna be a fair bit of changes that I will have to make. specifically my gui, bloom, and what I was using for animation will no longer work. The first two are fixable, and I hope that the people behind the animation library are working on their end.

In the mean time I have discovered that the quad tree that I ganked from the hazy mind engine needs some major work. Specifically it doesn't work, and has some weird problems where it doesn't always render what its supposed to. (google "the hazy mind" if you want to find out, but personally I don't reccomend it as he is way behind on tutorials).

so what all this really means is I'm back to having pretty much nothing. I will start from scratch rather than try and update my current engine to XNA 2.0 because so many things have changed.

so now the real question is will Microsoft release XNA 2.0 before I go back home for the holidays (my parents dont have internet).

hurrah life
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