IGF, IGDA GDC Scholarships, Polls, Contracting...

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published December 13, 2007
Wed, Dec 12

IGF Interviews

Going very well, just got another batch of responses through today. It's been less than a week and have already heard from over half of the finalists and nearly half of them are already into the second round of questioning. I have yet to decide how best to post them on the front page - I can't even remember what I did earlier this year. The thing is I don't wanna post up a new interview every other day and shuffle the other content off the main page so quickly. I think we made a third box for GDC stuff - I'll have to think back.

GDNet Polls - find out what you wanna know

I've had a lot of good user-submitted polls in the past few weeks, but I'm running out now. I have just enough to last me through to the end of the year. So if you have a burning question related to game development that's not to focused on only your information gathering needs, submit it now!

IGDA GDC Scholarship Judging

I just got my batch of GDC Scholar hopefuls to judge. This is my first year participating, I may also be mentoring one of the scholars at GDC as well. If you've never heard of the program, keep it in mind for next year along with volunteering. Both are great ways to make it out to the GDC.

Journalism Stuff

I've got a bit of extra free time now, the reason for that I can't say for another week or so, so I contacted my local newspaper to see if they were interested in any articles on the games industry. Turns out the Technical editor was thinking of doing a piece, so now I'm on his speed dial for industry-related stuff. We'll see what becomes of that. He also managed to dig up for me a piece that was published in that paper back when I was a sophomore in HS. I posted it just before this, so scroll down to see if after this entry.

Contract work?

I'm heading up north to Montclair NJ, about an hour away, tomorrow to meet with one of the developers I met at the NYC holiday gathering event. He's interested in using Torque tech to make a game. Dunno exactly what's on the table for me in regards to this, but that's what I'm going to find out tomorrow. Keepin' my fingers crossed. All the other contract work that's come my way has petered out for some reason or another, never anything to do with me thankfully.

More Guitar Hero

Played Agafaba online again, but I had such horrible connection issues and eventually got kicked offline completely. I managed to beat him in When You Were Young however (oh yea I also got him in My Name is Jonas the other night). He keeps telling me he should be 100%ing every song he plays, which I believe he can do, I just don't believe he can do it every time, and yet he insists that he can. It's getting a mite annoying but he's good, so he's fun to play with.

Crap it's already 4:15??? Where does my time go?!? When are they going to invent that hood thing from James Bond Die Another Day that makes you only need to sleep like 3-4 hours? I'd love that. 5-6 suffices for me but I still hate it. Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead.

*sigh* nite
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