Quoth The Tick, Evil is a foot

Published January 07, 2008
This is pretty funny if you haven't seen it. Even though he's the most evil corporate villain in recorded history (quoth Linux Fanboy Magazine), evidenced by his new intention to spend most of his time and money in an effort to eliminate malaria from the planet, he put together a pretty self-effacing video for CES (motto: we're like Comdex, only we still exist).

And it's funny. I LOL'ed a couple of times.

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Evil Steve
It's lol in a "Oh god make it stop make it stop make it stop" sense [smile]
January 07, 2008 01:36 PM
Hahah, my dad and I just watched it a few minutes ago. Yey Gizmodo
January 07, 2008 03:43 PM
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