Onwards and sideways...

posted in Archipelago
Published March 16, 2008
Well in the few moments of snatched hackage between kid feeds & work, I recently got a new laptop which should help get more stuff done. Unfortunately though, it's got Vista on it which is the biggest pile of shoite I've seen in a long time. I even had trouble opening pdf files due to non-existant licensing issues FFS :(

Anyways, got VS2008 installed (my 2003 edition is unsupported on Vista of course - 'please upgrade'!) and building C2 (very slowly I might add!)

Currently having to meddle with the Walrus set-up after fixing the Manta dynamics - bouncy capsizing problems ahoy in rough water. I had hoped to find a single config that worked for all vehicles, but ended up having to use a number of per-vehicle coeffs in there :-/
Starting to feel nice and 'physical' now though :)
Previous Entry Slight progress
Next Entry Argh!
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LOL i like the idea of capzising.. makes the game more chalanging.. have to keep the bow pointed in to the saves ;)

and bad weather makes beach invasions hard!

glad to here you still have a bit of time to do some codeing :)
March 17, 2008 06:26 AM
Rough water? Way cool. This project is sounding better and better every post!
March 17, 2008 08:45 AM
Yeah devil - slowly getting back into it now kiddy2 is settling into life. Would be annoying to capsize too often though eh? ;)

The water height is procedurally generated, but unfortunately it's quite slow & rough at the moment (no optimisation whatsoever, and then just bung the vertices to the gfx card). Need to look at FFT stuff I believe (argh more scary maffs).

Version 1 will probably just have flat water, to keep the work down (again).
March 18, 2008 03:22 AM
how is the effects of rolling waves going to affect turret based weapons on the carrier and walrus? I'm sure this was covered in a post from the old forum, but I can't remember...

I'm a little late with this, but: grats on the little kiddie! :D
March 18, 2008 10:50 AM
Hmm nice link there. Shame they don't even *mention* the way it crashes when you do a 'find in files' (fixed by turning off Vista themes for the app!)

Ta Steve :)
Aiming is rather a lot harder when wavy...
March 20, 2008 05:22 PM
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