An Iteration, A Combination

Published August 27, 2008
mazes and spaceships

(click the image to play).

I suppose it was inevitable, but I combined the bitmap navigator functionality from the earlier experiments with the maze generator from a few days ago, and now I have an infinite variety of mazes which can be flown over. I haven't implemented wall/collision detection yet, but I should have it completed fairly soon. It won't be difficult; a simple color sniffer will give me pixel-level control over what is hitting what.

I also figured out how to add seeds to the maze generator, so now I can have the same mazes for everyone who plays, or each game session will now be able to be saved, without loading the game and discovering yourself in a new maze.

The code for the maze generator class is here:

/* * For the benefit of novice programmers, I've listed * the various bitmasks used to the best of my ability * (I don't use Java, I'm assuming it uses standard coordinates where 0,0 is the top left) * I've commented on the drawing code as well * *  1: Wall above *  2: Wall below *  4: Wall left *  8: Wall right * 16: queued to be added * 32: "in" the maze * *  - quin/10-24-06 *	-	translated to Actionscript 3 by John Winkelman, 2008.08.25 */package {	import flash.display.BitmapData;	import flash.geom.Rectangle;	import flash.geom.Point;		public class MazeConstructor {		private var mazeBitmapData:BitmapData;		private var cellsX:Number;		private var cellsY:Number;		private var cellWidth:Number;		private var cellHeight:Number;		private var isRandom:Boolean = false;		private var seed:Number;		private var wallThickness:Number;		private var hasExits:Boolean;		private var maze:Array;				private var mx:Number = 0;		private var my:Number = 0;		private var nextCell:Number = 0;		private var d:Number = 0;		private var dx:Array = [ 0, 0, -1, 1 ];		private var dy:Array = [ -1, 1, 0, 0 ];		private var todo:Array = [];		private var todonum:Number = 0;				public function MazeConstructor() {}		public function initMaze($mazeBitmapData:BitmapData,$cellsX:Number,$cellsY:Number,$cellWidth:Number,$cellHeight:Number,$wallThickness:Number=1,$seed:Number=0,$hasExits:Boolean=false):void {			mazeBitmapData = $mazeBitmapData;			cellsX = $cellsX;			cellsY = $cellsY;			cellWidth = $cellWidth;			cellHeight = $cellHeight;			wallThickness = $wallThickness;			seed = $seed;			hasExits = $hasExits;			if(seed==0) isRandom = true;			createMaze();		}		private function createMaze():void {			mx = 0;			my = 0;			nextCell = 0;			d = 0;			dx = [ 0, 0, -1, 1 ];			dy = [ -1, 1, 0, 0 ];			todo = [];			todonum = 0;			/* We want to create a maze on a grid. */			maze = [];					/* We start with a grid full of walls. */			for(mx = 0; mx < cellsX; mx++) {				maze[mx] = [];				for(my = 0; my < cellsY; my++) {					if(mx == 0 || mx == cellsX-1 || my == 0 || my == cellsY-1) {						maze[mx][my] = 32;					} else {						maze[mx][my] = 63;					}				}			}			/* Select any square of the grid, to start with. */			/*	RANDOM CHECK	*/			if(isRandom==true) {	//	start at a random cell				mx =  (Math.floor(Math.random() * (cellsX-2)))+1;				my =  (Math.floor(Math.random() * (cellsY-2)))+1;			} else {	//	start at the center-most cell				mx = Math.floor(cellsX/2);				my = Math.floor(cellsY/2);			}			/*	RANDOM CHECK	*/			/* Mark this square as connected to the maze. */			maze[mx][my] &= ~48;			/* Remember the surrounding squares, as we will */			for(d = 0; d < 4; d++) {				if((maze[mx + dx[d]][my + dy[d]] & 16) != 0) {					todo[todonum++] = ((mx + dx[d]) << 16) | (my + dy[d]);					maze[mx + dx[d]][my + dy[d]] &= ~16;				}			}						// We won't be finished until all is connected. 			while(todonum > 0) {// We select one of the squares next to the completed parts of the maze. 								/*	RANDOM CHECK	*/				if(isRandom==true) {					nextCell = (Math.floor(Math.random() * todonum));				} else {					seed++;					nextCell = seed % todonum;				}				/*	RANDOM CHECK	*/				mx = todo[nextCell] >> 16; // the top 2 bytes of the data 				my = todo[nextCell] & 65535; // the bottom 2 bytes of the data 				// We will connect it, so remove it from the queue. 				todo[nextCell] = todo[--todonum];				// Select a direction, which leads to the maze. 				do{					/*	RANDOM CHECK	*/					if(isRandom==true) {						d = Math.floor(Math.random()*4);					} else {						seed++;						d = seed%4;					}					/*	RANDOM CHECK	*/				} while((maze[mx + dx[d]][my + dy[d]] & 32) != 0);				// Connect this square to the maze. 				maze[mx][my] &= ~((1 << d) | 32);				maze[mx + dx[d]][my + dy[d]] &= ~(1 << (d ^ 1));								// Remember the surrounding squares, which aren't 				for(d = 0; d < 4; d++) {					if((maze[mx + dx[d]][my + dy[d]] & 16) != 0) {						// connected to the maze, and aren't yet queued to be. 						todo[todonum++] = ((mx + dx[d]) << 16) | (my + dy[d]);						maze[mx + dx[d]][my + dy[d]] &= ~16;					}				}				// Repeat until finished.			}			/* One may want to add an entrance and exit. */			if(hasExits==true) {				maze[1][1] &= ~1; 				maze[cellsX-2][cellsY-2] &= ~2;			}						renderMaze();		}		private function renderMaze():void {			var i:int;			var j:int;			for(i = 1; i < cellsX-1; i++) {				for(j = 1; j < cellsY-1; j++) {					if((maze[j] & 1) != 0) {/* This cell has a top wall */						mazeBitmapData.fillRect (new Rectangle(i * cellWidth, j * cellHeight, cellWidth+wallThickness, wallThickness),0xff000000);					}					if((maze[j] & 2) != 0) {/* This cell has a bottom wall */						mazeBitmapData.fillRect(new Rectangle(i * cellWidth, j * cellHeight + cellHeight, cellWidth+wallThickness, wallThickness),0xff000000);					}					if((maze[j] & 4) != 0) {/* This cell has a left wall */						mazeBitmapData.fillRect(new Rectangle(i * cellWidth, j * cellHeight, wallThickness, cellHeight+wallThickness),0xff000000);					}					if((maze[j] & 8) != 0) {/* This cell has a right wall */						mazeBitmapData.fillRect(new Rectangle(i * cellWidth+cellWidth, j * cellHeight, wallThickness, cellHeight+wallThickness),0xff000000);					}				}			}		}	}}

Looking at this, it occurred to me that it wouldn't be too difficult to modify this so that it can draw hex mazes. Really, it is just two more walls, and modify the positioning of the cells. The bitwise/boolean operators will work just as well, I think. But this is a project for when the weather is ugly, and the girlfriend is out of town.

Also: I discovered a port of Telengard (Windows) which has had me in a big ol' nostalgia kick for the past several days. It holds up surprisingly well for a game I first played on my Commodore 64, back in 1984.
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