Snipes 2.0: Maze generation design and code

Published February 15, 2009
First: Happy Valentines Day!

Second: I spent my free time over the past couple days trying to speed up my maze generator. I failed, and I sort of understand why, but I'm still a little confused. When I started, I noticed that when I was randomly selecting a wall to break down, if the wall I was breaking down had a visited room on the other side, I grabbed another number ad nauseum until the next wall led to a new room. I figured that the wasteful looping could be optimized out. Well, my "solutions" inevitably involved generating a list of "good" walls each iteration, or removing the entries for the "bad" walls from the surrounding rooms. Not only did it actually slow down the generation (by about 100+ ticks, according to a GetTickCount() delta), most of the time it didn't even work! So, I'm just going to leave it, no matter how much I want to speed it up. At least it works.

Well, that said, I do want to explain how it works. Maybe one of you will see something that can be sped up that I missed. Here's the source code for MazeGen::Generate(), with comments explaining what I'm doing.

struct cell_info{    cell_info* next[4];    cell_info* last_visited;    bool visited : 1;    bool top_wall : 1;    bool left_wall : 1;};std::vector MazeGen::Generate(unsigned width, unsigned height) const{    // Wall #s    //  0    // 1 2    //  3    // Allocate the cell grid.    cell_info* cells = new cell_info[width*height];    // Initialize each cell.    for (unsigned y = 0; y < height; ++y)    {        for (unsigned x = 0; x < width; ++x)        {            unsigned i = x+y*width;            cells.last_visited = NULL;            cells.visited = false;            cells.top_wall = true;            cells.left_wall = true;            // I could probably make do with using the ModFloor function and            // index arithmetic everywhere, and drop the 'next' array, but            // I hate index arithmetic. May as well get it over with here.            // Also: ModFloor aligns a value into a specific range, a bit            // like how integer overflow loops back around to the other end.            // It's how I sew the edges of my Map together.  [0] = &cells[x+ModFloor(y-1, 0, height)*width];  [1] = &cells[ModFloor(x-1, 0, width)+y*width];  [2] = &cells[ModFloor(x+1, 0, width)+y*width];  [3] = &cells[x+ModFloor(y+1, 0, height)*width];        }    }    cell_info* current = &cells[0];    do    {        // No matter what, we've visited this cell and don't        // want to return.        current->visited = true;        // Are we in a dead-end?        if (current->next[0]->visited && current->next[1]->visited &&            current->next[2]->visited && current->next[3]->visited)        {            // If yes, we need to backtrack.            current = current->last_visited;            continue;        }        // This right here is what annoys me. I feel like it's        // useless cycling, and a waste. But everything I try        // to replace it either doesn't work or is slower.        unsigned which_wall;        do            which_wall = rand()%4;        while (current->next[which_wall]->visited);        // This, at least, is straightforward.        switch (which_wall)        {            case 0: // top                current->top_wall = false;                break;            case 1: // left                current->left_wall = false;                break;            case 2: // right                current->next[which_wall]->left_wall = false;                break;            case 3: // bottom                current->next[which_wall]->top_wall = false;                break;        }        // Before we move, tell the next room that we're coming        // from this one.        current->next[which_wall]->last_visited = current;        // Now move.        current = current->next[which_wall];      // Only true when we've backtracked to the beginning      // with nowhere else to go!    } while (current->last_visited != NULL);    // This code knocks out walls randomly. I kind of want    // to incorporate it into the above somehow, but it's    // simpler and cleaner to leave it here, I think.    for (int i = 0; i < rand()%5+25; ++i)    {        // Knock out between 25 and 30 walls.        unsigned which_wall = rand()%2;        unsigned index = rand()%(width*height); // I hate index arithmetic.        if (which_wall == 0) // top        {            if (cells[index].top_wall)                cells[index].top_wall = false;            else                --i;        }        else // left        {            if (cells[index].left_wall)                cells[index].left_wall = false;            else                --i;        }    }    // This is where I create and position each of the walls.    // It's also the only place in all of Cripes where I use Boost...    std::vector walls;    for (unsigned y = 0; y < height; ++y)    {        for (unsigned x = 0; x < width; ++x)        {            unsigned cornerflag = 0; // Bitwise mask identifying a corner.            unsigned i = x+y*width; // Index arithmetic. Hate.            if (cells.left_wall)            {                Entity wall = loader->Construct("VertWall");                wall.X = x*8; // I'll get around to un-hardcoding                wall.Y = 1+y*6; // these later.                walls.push_back(wall);                cornerflag += 8;            }            if (cells.top_wall)            {                Entity wall = loader->Construct("HorizWall");                wall.X = 1+x*8;                wall.Y = y*6;                walls.push_back(wall);                cornerflag += 2;            }            if ([0]->left_wall)                cornerflag += 4;            if ([1]->top_wall)                cornerflag += 1;            if (cornerflag != 0)            {                std::string cornerID = "Corner";                // Corners! This is the only place I use Boost.                // lexical_cast is great.                cornerID += boost::lexical_cast(cornerflag);                Entity corner = loader->Construct(cornerID);                corner.X = x*8;                corner.Y = y*6;                walls.push_back(corner);            }        }    }    delete[] cells; // I actually forgot this before I wrote this post!    return walls; // I have a suspicion that returning the entire vector                  // is a little slow, especially when I'm also passing it                  // to the EntityMap (by reference!), but still...}
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