Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Published September 16, 2009
Not much done recently, I'm starting to lose motivation. Anyway, I've been trying to get animations working (for explosions) but I keep on running into problem after problem. I'll keep trying...

Thanks for reading
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You've done really well to complete your first three projects. Don't beat yourself up if you want to give up on this one.

Most of us quit personal projects all the time if we're honest. I wouldn't suggest being as bad as me for that ([smile]) but you won't complete everything you start.
September 17, 2009 12:48 AM
Thanks for those words of wisdom Aardvajk [smile]. I will have to put the project on hold in a couple of weeks when uni starts again anyway. I'm going to try and get the cannon working so that I can stop at a convenient place.
September 17, 2009 05:10 AM
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