Engine Research

Published August 13, 2010
I spent sometime this week checking out OGRE3D as a possible rendering engine for XB. OGRE3D looks really nice too, although I had some issues setting it up with CMake. Right now I'm mucking around with it via the prebuilt kits.

In the interim I'll most likely go through the tutorials to get a feel for how to work with it and to determine if my art pipeline fits. Depending on how my models and animations show up i'm hoping to use OGRE, I like it so far.

Outside of the search for a rendering engine, I need to find a physics engine and something for networking too.

My updates maybe a little sparse this month due to moving into my new place but I should really hit the ground running the beginning of next month.

Happy Coding...

Previous Entry Digging in again.
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Jason Z
Have you considered using Unity? The UI is really intuitive after a small learning curve, and there is quite a bit of tutorials out there already... If you aren't looking for experience with an engine and just want to put a game together, it is pretty much the easiest tool I have used to date.

Just a suggestion if you find OGRE to be too low level.
August 13, 2010 12:59 PM
Unity3D is nice I must admit although I'm not a huge fan of C#. That aside I wont take it off the table but I'm enjoying mucking around with OGRE ATM. Thanks for stopping by.
August 14, 2010 09:50 PM
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