Welcome To The New Gamedev.Net!

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published January 09, 2011
Greetings fellow GDnet community members. It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the brand new version of The GameDev.net website, something that has been in development in one form or another for the past five years. Yea, five years. Besides the challenge of hitting a moving target in terms of keeping pace with changing technology, our internal team has also had to overcome various obstacles in planning and design.

Over the past three years we've also been able to witness and follow the re-launch of other game development websites like Gamasutra, GarageGames, and the IGDA. This has given us a chance to see site revamping in action and has helped to guide us in our redesign and relaunch of GameDev.net.

There are two big things about this new site that I would like to point out. The first is that this is not exactly what we originally dubbed "V5" a few years ago when we started talking more publicly about the site redesign. This is indeed the fifth generation of GameDev.net (some would argue it's the second) but it does not follow the full design spec that was originally laid out for V5. So if you were waiting for something you heard was coming with this new site launch and don't see it, that could be why.

This leads into my second item, which is that you are not looking at a fully-completed website. So yes, that V5 feature you were hoping to see might still be coming as we continue to roll out areas of the website. We decided on this less-rigid launch to give you all a chance to help mold and shape the final appearance that will hopefully last us another ten years.

You can do this by making gratuitous use of the "Feedback" tab you will see hovering to the left of every page. This will submit a ticket straight into our internal tracking system and will allow us to take care of bugs and issues as well as determine where to focus on site development. Don't just sit back and let us decide what you want in the new GDnet, tell us what you want!

I'm so happy and excited to finally be writing this blog post, made even cooler by the fact that I'm doing it from the road on my iPhone (Feedback: mobile site version still needs work ;)). There are exciting times ahead but looking back we wouldn't be at this point right now first and foremost without the support and generosity of our community (that's you!) and of course the hard work put into developing this site by the GDNet staff and mods.

To close, I would like to extend a special thank you to one of the original site founders Mike Tanczos for spearheading the development of this new website based on IPS. He shouldered a gargantuan amount of work over the last year to get the site to where it is today, a state we deem ready for your consumption. Thanks, Mike!

Enough babble from me, you all have some exploring to do! We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the new GameDev.net :D

UPDATE: While we will be jumping straight on fixing any serious bugs and issues that crop up as people start poking around and discovering things, we won't be commenting much specifically on general feedback and issues users are posting about. Tuesday morning I will have a new entry that covers a whole slew of topics that have been brought up so far that will help answer questions and ease minds... mostly :P
4 likes 35 comments


Congratulations. First impressions are that it looks great and works smoothly!

Once again, congrats!
January 09, 2011 04:13 PM
Erik Rufelt
Awesome :)
January 09, 2011 04:34 PM
Looks great! Can't wait to explore around the site. But in the meantime, I have a quick bug report! The "Recent Comments" section on the right is incorrect. I was surprised to see the following there:

[color=#1C2837][size=2][url="http://www.gamedev.net/user/81753-ezbez/"]Ezbez[/url] [url="http://www.gamedev.net/user/81753-ezbez/"][img]http://public.gamedev.net/public/style_images/master/user_popup.png[/img][/url] [color=#606060][size=2]on Nov 29 2010 03:56 AM[/size][/color]
[url="http://www.gamedev.net/blog/23/entry-2226878-my-first-foray-into-interactive-fiction/page__cid__2232209__show__newcomment"][img]http://public.gamedev.net/public/style_images/master/new_post.png[/img][/url] [b][url="http://www.gamedev.net/blog/23/entry-2226878-my-first-foray-into-interactive-fiction/page__cid__2232209__show__newcomment"]My first foray into Interactive Fiction[/url][/b][/size][/color]
[size="2"][color="#1C2837"]That post of mine was back in November![/color][/size]
[size="2"][color="#1C2837"]But wow, I was impressed that the formatting copied *perfectly* into this reply when I copy-pasted it.[/color][/size]
January 09, 2011 04:45 PM
[quote name='Ezbez' timestamp='1294591518']
Looks great! Can't wait to explore around the site. But in the meantime, I have a quick bug report! The "Recent Comments" section on the right is incorrect. I was surprised to see the following there:

[color="#1c2837"][size="2"][url="http://www.gamedev.net/user/81753-ezbez/"]Ezbez[/url] [url="http://www.gamedev.net/user/81753-ezbez/"][img]http://public.gamedev.net/public/style_images/master/user_popup.png[/img][/url] [color="#606060"][size="2"]on Nov 29 2010 03:56 AM[/size][/color]
[url="http://www.gamedev.net/blog/23/entry-2226878-my-first-foray-into-interactive-fiction/page__cid__2232209__show__newcomment"][img]http://public.gamedev.net/public/style_images/master/new_post.png[/img][/url] [b][url="http://www.gamedev.net/blog/23/entry-2226878-my-first-foray-into-interactive-fiction/page__cid__2232209__show__newcomment"]My first foray into Interactive Fiction[/url][/b][/size][/color]
[color="#1c2837"] [/color]
[size="2"][color="#1c2837"]That post of mine was back in November![/color][/size]
[size="2"] [/size]
[size="2"][color="#1c2837"]But wow, I was impressed that the formatting copied *perfectly* into this reply when I copy-pasted it.[/color][/size]
No it was right. I mean, that [i]was[/i] the most recent comment made on any of my blog posts :)

And yes - WYSIWYG post entry FTMFW :)
January 09, 2011 04:52 PM
Looks fantastic! Keep up the good work! <br>
January 09, 2011 04:59 PM
Excellent job! Like everyone it'll take me a few days to poke and prod all the new features. But this is wonderful! Any background on what you're using to create all this?
January 09, 2011 05:01 PM
It looks good - the visual rich text editor in the forum put a tear in my eye.
January 09, 2011 05:03 PM
Michael Tanczos
[quote name='Alpha_ProgDes' timestamp='1294592489']
Excellent job! Like everyone it'll take me a few days to poke and prod all the new features. But this is wonderful! Any background on what you're using to create all this?

We're basing the site off of Invision Boards IP.Board software with a bunch of custom tweaks here and there. We're relying on IP.Content heavily for most of the custom site areas (books, dictionary, events, jobs, etc). It's an awesome system that will allow us to give you guys new features just by upgrading.
January 09, 2011 05:07 PM
[quote name='Alpha_ProgDes' timestamp='1294592489']
Excellent job! Like everyone it'll take me a few days to poke and prod all the new features. But this is wonderful! Any background on what you're using to create all this?
It's based on the [url="http://www.invisionpower.com/products/board/"]Invision Power Board software suite[/url].

[quote name='Starnick' timestamp='1294592583']
It looks good - the visual rich text editor in the forum put a tear in my eye.
So many people are still going to try entering HTML by hand hahahah
January 09, 2011 05:08 PM
[quote name='Gaiiden' timestamp='1294591943']No it was right. I mean, that [i]was[/i] the most recent comment made on any of my blog posts :)

And yes - WYSIWYG post entry FTMFW :)

Ah, it's most recent on your blog, not most recent on the site! Makes sense now.

Unfortunately, quotes aren't WYSIWYG-ed.
January 09, 2011 05:21 PM
Very slick, I'm lovin it!
January 09, 2011 05:27 PM
Im loving it, great job. Very nice on the editors and javascriptness. This will and should attract many more people to the website.
January 09, 2011 06:12 PM
It's gorgeous! Great job!
January 09, 2011 06:29 PM
love it !
January 09, 2011 06:36 PM
The new design is full of win. That's all that needs to be said.

By the way, have youall considered an app for gamedev as opposed to a mobile version? Sure, more work, but better payoff in terms of community access for the end user.
January 09, 2011 07:10 PM
Great update. Keeps it fresh and fun. Keep up the good work!
January 09, 2011 07:20 PM
Darn, it's pretty.
January 09, 2011 07:22 PM
[quote name='_orm_' timestamp='1294600217']
The new design is full of win. That's all that needs to be said.By the way, have youall considered an app for gamedev as opposed to a mobile version? Sure, more work, but better payoff in terms of community access for the end user.
actually yes, there's already an IPS official app in the AppStore that is free people can use to check any IPS community including ours and we have a few options in creating our own personalized app as well we will be looking into
January 09, 2011 07:52 PM
Just discovered the new look. I felt as if I just had my morning coffee! Great job guys.
January 09, 2011 10:50 PM
Awesome work. Congratulations and thanks!
January 10, 2011 12:18 AM
January 10, 2011 02:29 AM
I like the new look
January 10, 2011 09:21 AM
Why do we need to have a HUGE LAST and FIRST button?
Make the LAST button smaller (it;s rarelly used anyway).
And make the NEXT (->) button BIG.
January 10, 2011 10:20 AM
[quote name='Overdrive' timestamp='1294654843']
Why do we need to have a HUGE LAST and FIRST button?
Make the LAST button smaller (it;s rarelly used anyway).
And make the NEXT (->) button BIG.

Maybe it is ok for comments pages, but it's especially annoying for reading articles.
When i read an article i want the NEXT button to be easy to click on. nobody reads one page, then jumps to the last one...
January 10, 2011 10:22 AM
Why does it even NEED those NEXT and LAST buttons? All this content would fit on one page! (I especially can't believe that only FIVE comments are shown per page, but short articles on five pages is a bummer, too.)

Oh, and BTW: I tried to add this comment via Opera, but the textfield just got cleared and the text wasn't added. Meh.
January 10, 2011 10:45 AM
[quote name='Overdrive' timestamp='1294654843']
Why do we need to have a HUGE LAST and FIRST button?
Make the LAST button smaller (it;s rarelly used anyway).
And make the NEXT (->) button BIG.
I guess we kind of don't - I can expand the number of comments per page to 30 so I just did.

As far as the whole NEXT/LAST buttons and paging buttons go, I'm pretty sure that's entirely in the realm of the IPS software and not something that we can touch. We'll find out, but that's my guess. As I will explain Tuesday morning, there are some things you will all just have to accept with this new website, at least for the time being.
January 10, 2011 11:15 AM
Sorry, don't like. See my journal.
January 10, 2011 11:43 AM
Sorry - I don't like it either. Wish I did. I use another forum that uses IP.Board so am already pretty familiar with it, and don't like it any more now than at the time of the migration (in fact posted I there after their migration pointing to game.net as an example of a nice forum/site to use).
I guess I can only hope that you guys can customise it better...
January 10, 2011 12:04 PM
Great job guys! The only complain I have is that the site doesn't scale to my 16:10 display and I have a lot of wasted screen space. Looks nice on my iPad thou ;-)
January 10, 2011 12:46 PM
Loved the new interface, cleaner and more "effective" than the old one... ofc it my honest opinion.
January 10, 2011 12:57 PM
Emmanuel Deloget
It's been a long time since I came here for the last time - and I'm very happy to see that finally, the new gd.net is now online ! Lissa showed it to me a few month ago, and I was impressed by the new interface - just as I am today.

Long live to gd.net ! (and I must repopulate my profile :))
January 10, 2011 01:21 PM
My main criticism is that stylistic elements (e.g. on the main page) take up a lot of space. In particular the headers of each content block is 74 pixels - which takes up a lot of space.

I also feel there's something strange about having a border around the main content area which is white, which is then surrounded by more whiteness. On the main page I'd prefer the recent posts were closer to the top of the page.

I'm not sure if you've analysed where most of the clicks lead to on your main page but I imagine a lot come from the recent posts.

Anyway, good job.

I'll also submit these points to feedback :)
January 10, 2011 03:38 PM
Could you please let me know either here or tomorrow's blog post or sometime soon how membership will change and what it will now offer? I ask because all the work you guys have put into the site has inspired me to contribute and I'd like to become a member. I would love to have a higher size limit than the old gamedev paid membership offered though, with the username.gamedev.net FTP site and direct linking (this may already be the case).

Related to the above, I hope there will be skins available and I hope the community can help create them. We have some talented artists here and I'd like to think they would like to contribute. Maybe even a gamedev skin contest. Most of the best ones can be available to paid members and a few to the free ones.
January 10, 2011 06:02 PM
It'll take a little getting used to, but I like it so far. The addition of avatars for non-premium accounts is a very welcome change.
January 11, 2011 06:53 AM
That's actually an exploit, josh. We still have to decide what to do about it
January 12, 2011 09:09 AM
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