Hi, I'm data. I'll be your driver today.

posted in I am a duck
Published January 20, 2011
In my last post about implementing a component based object model I also mentioned my drive to become data driven. When I looked into building a data driven game I saw two big areas where being data driven can help things:

1. Building a scene

I opted to go with a simple xml file to define a scene but there's no reason you couldn't go with any old format. There are just so many different XML parsing libraries out there already it just made sense to re-use instead of starting from scratch. The actual schema is also fairly arbitrary. Just go with something that makes sense to you. In the following example I have a complete scene setup. It's got basic camera data for a view frustum along with three different objects with a variety of different components. As I add more functionality and components to my engine the schema will grow with them.









<2dlocation x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1">
<2dtexture u1="0" v1="0" u2="1" v2="1">


2. Implementing game logic

In the past I have done most game logic in native code. It was separated out from the main engine code but still had to be compiled any time a change was made. On this project I've gone the route of using Lua for all logic. At least that's the goal. In the following test example I set the object rotating around the Z-axis while also fading between a pair of textures loaded for the object. I have everything exposed to Lua through the parent GameObject which just does a simple call through to any individual component that a method acts upon.

a = Parent:GetElapsedTime()
Parent:SetFadeFactor((math.sin(a) *0.5) + 0.5)

b = Parent:GetRotationZ()
b = b + 1.0
if b > 360.0 then
b = 0.0

Parent:SetRotation(0.0, 0.0, B)

3. Bonus area: Unit and Functional testing

While it's not actually part of the final game product testing is still an important function to insure the final product is a quality product. Being data driven makes it easy to be able to setup tests for all of your functionality using a bunch of data files instead of having to write a bunch of unit test code. While I was implementing my model importer I had a number of different scene files that would attempt to load models of different types and styles. It made things easy when it came to testing functionality as well as making sure I didn't have any ugly regressions.

All of this means less time compiling things but more importantly less churn in my testing applications. As I keep adding functionality to my engine library I'll be able to test them out by adding new data to my data files and my core test app will still only be the same few lines of code:

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
CSimpleEngine *Engine = NULL;

// Create and initialize the engine
Engine = new CSimpleEngine();

// Create our scene and load a scene file
CScene *Scene = Engine->RequestScene("../../data/TestScene.xml");


delete Engine;
Next Entry A new screeny
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I added the link. Very good to keep your posts tightly coupled :)
January 22, 2011 03:17 AM
Jason Z
Why not use Lua for the scene building? I had an XML format in my previous engine that was used to define the material properties of an object. However, as soon as I wanted to add something a bit more complex, the system had to be heavily modified to add the new functionality.

On the other hand, if you use a Lua function to provide the data, then you use your existing scripting interfaces for a data description purpose - plus since it is a full blown language you can easily perform much more complex operations than can be done with XML. I actually won't use XML anymore because of trying to make it jump through hoops... Lua is much more flexible and extensible in my opinion.
January 22, 2011 07:06 PM
Mike Bossy
To be honest with you I never really though about creating the scenes in Lua. There's no reason why I couldn't set that up. I tend to default to something like XML for data definition because it's something I've used across so many different project in the past so I know how to deal with it well. When you add all of the available XML parsing libraries out there it also becomes a fairly easy thing to do.

I think part of the reason that I never really contemplated the Lua path was just the linear way things came about in my project. I was worried about creating scenes first before hooking Lua into things so it just never came into my head. I'm definitely going to have to play with the idea to see if it would work better for me. Thanks for the tip.
January 23, 2011 04:05 AM
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