Furniture art

Published February 22, 2011
I made some progress the last two weeks, but not as much as desired. I don't know how [s]VertexNormal[/s] JTippets possibly cranks out the amount of work he does. I guess it comes with experience.

I got a character walking around, but I'm using placeholder art for the avatar at the moment. I also put in support for animated character walking (it still needs some higher level code though) as well as animated tiles such as water.


(The window thing at the bottom is going to eventually be for a dev console. It's not the actual game's GUI)

Since most of my progress isn't visible screenshot-wise, and since very little progress got done anyway, I'll just post some of the new furniture art I made this past week.



I'm running a bit behind schedule, according to my progress guide, but that was to be expected - I have only previously completed one game of any real scope. I'm currently about 15 days behind, and will probably drag on to about a month behind schedule before my first major milestone is completed. I need to put a good week or two into the plot to iron it out, before submitting it for peer-review. This is important before starting creation of the world itself. I also need to update the editor once I hit the first milestone - the first milestone being the finalization of the map format, and the ability to explore the world (script triggers, collision, area transition, etc...).

On an unrelated note, I finally got around to installing Boost. I look forward to playing around with it, and seeing where I can save myself time by implementing it into my game framework.
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Yeah, I've made dozens of false starts in my life, so I've got enough basecode to get things up and running quick now. Plus, the modeling workflow is starting to get a little easier now that I've gotten in some practice at it. I still have to sort of talk myself through some blocks, though. Once I get started, I can stay going, but if I stop for any reason, it can be hard getting started again.

Edit: It's looking good, btw. I've got a soft spot for this particular style, having played a lot of RPGs from this viewpoint.

Good luck with Boost. I use it quite extensively. In particular, I might direct your attention to boost::random as a personal favorite. If you have the obsessive-compulsive drive to have awesome random numbers (not really [i]quite[/i] as important as I sometimes believe) then boost::random is your huckleberry.
February 23, 2011 12:51 AM
Servant of the Lord
Thanks, I'll check Boost::Random out. It might come in use for battle mechanics and spell effects.
February 23, 2011 04:20 PM
I like the look of this! Good work on the art. Will the game be realtime or turnbased?
February 27, 2011 09:30 PM
Servant of the Lord
Turn based, but with action timers similar to the old Final Fantasy games.
I want to appeal to old-school RPG fans, while still bringing modern ideas to the game.
March 07, 2011 05:48 AM
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