C# Workshop - Project 1: Maze Generator - Solutions

Published October 27, 2012
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Well I took a Room-centric approach to my solution. I'm convinced that this is not the THE WAY or an optimal way. But it works [img]http://public.gamedev.net//public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace CW_Project1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MazeCreator mc = new MazeCreator();
mc.createMaze(4, 4);
class Room
int roomNumber;
int[] wallArray;
public Room()
public Room(int roomNum, int[] walls)
roomNumber = roomNum;
wallArray = walls;
public int RoomNumber
return roomNumber;

roomNumber = value;
public int[] WallArray
return wallArray;
wallArray = value;

class MazeCreator
int rows;
int columns;
int topOffset;
int leftOffset;
int rightOffset;
int bottomOffset;
int rowOffset;
List<int> knockedDownRooms;
Room[,] initialRooms;
int[] wallsToKnockDown;
public void createMaze(int rows, int columns)
this.rows = rows;
this.columns = columns;
initialRooms = new Room[rows, columns];
int numOfRooms = rows * columns;
int rowOfWalls = (columns - 1) + columns;
int totalNumberOfWalls = (rowOfWalls * rows) - columns;

for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
adjustRowOffsets(i, columns, rowOfWalls);
for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j)
int roomNum = (i * columns) + j;
int tO = roomNum + topOffset;
int lO = roomNum + leftOffset;
int rO = roomNum + rightOffset;
int bO = roomNum + bottomOffset;
setWallsToRoom(rowOfWalls, ref tO, ref lO, ref rO, ref bO);
checkOverflowOfBottomFloors(totalNumberOfWalls, ref bO);
initialRooms[i,j] = new Room(roomNum, new int[] {tO, lO, rO, bO});
public void createPerfectMaze()
int rowOfWalls = (columns - 1) + columns;
int totalNumberOfWalls = (rowOfWalls * rows) - columns;
knockedDownRooms = new List<int>();
wallsToKnockDown = wallToKnockDownArray(totalNumberOfWalls);
int[] roomsAndFloorType;
for (int i = 0; i < wallsToKnockDown.Length; ++i)
roomsAndFloorType = getRoomsFromWall(wallsToKnockDown[i], rowOfWalls, columns);
// rowNum * columns + cell
int y = roomsAndFloorType[0] / columns;
int x = roomsAndFloorType[0] % columns;
int floorType = roomsAndFloorType[2];
if (knockedDownRooms.Contains(roomsAndFloorType[0]) &&
for (int j = 0; j < initialRooms[y, x].WallArray.Length; ++j)
if (initialRooms[y, x].WallArray[j] == wallsToKnockDown[i])
initialRooms[y, x].WallArray[j] = -2;

if (!knockedDownRooms.Contains(roomsAndFloorType[0]))

if (floorType == 0)
int y0 = y + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < initialRooms[y0, x].WallArray.Length; ++j)
if (initialRooms[y0, x].WallArray[j] == wallsToKnockDown[i])
initialRooms[y0, x].WallArray[j] = -2;
if (!knockedDownRooms.Contains(roomsAndFloorType[1]))
else if (floorType == 1)
int x0 = x + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < initialRooms[y, x0].WallArray.Length; ++j)
if (initialRooms[y, x0].WallArray[j] == wallsToKnockDown[i])
initialRooms[y, x0].WallArray[j] = -2;
if (!knockedDownRooms.Contains(roomsAndFloorType[1]))
public void displayMaze()
int totalRooms = initialRooms.Length;
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
Console.Write(" ");
if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[0] == -1)
else if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[0] >= 0)
else if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[0] == -2)
Console.Write(" ");
Console.Write(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[1] == -1)
else if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[1] >= 0)
else if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[1] == -2)
Console.Write(" ");
Console.Write(" ");
if (j == rows - 1)
for (int i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
Console.Write(" ");
if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[3] == -1)
else if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[3] >= 0)
else if (initialRooms[j, i].WallArray[3] == -2)
Console.Write(" ");
Console.Write(" ");
public Room[,] getInitialRooms()
return initialRooms;
private int[] getRoomsFromWall(int wallNumber, int rowOfWalls, int columns)
int x = (wallNumber % rowOfWalls);
int y = (wallNumber / rowOfWalls);
int colLimit = columns - 1;
int roomA = -1;
int roomB = -1;
int floorOrWall = -1;
if (0 <= x && x < colLimit)
roomA = (y * columns) + x;
roomB = roomA + 1;
floorOrWall = 1;
else if (colLimit <= x && x < rowOfWalls)
roomA = (y * columns) + (x - colLimit);
roomB = roomA + columns;
floorOrWall = 0;
int[] knockDownRooms = new int[3];
knockDownRooms[0] = roomA;
knockDownRooms[1] = roomB;
knockDownRooms[2] = floorOrWall;
return knockDownRooms;
private int[] wallToKnockDownArray(int totalNumberOfWalls)
int[] wallsArray = new int[totalNumberOfWalls];
for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfWalls; ++i)
wallsArray[i] = i;
return wallsArray;
private void shuffle(int[] array)
//Fisher-Yates algorithm, gotten from Stack Overflow
Random rng = new Random(); // i.e., java.util.Random.
int n = array.Length; // The number of items left to shuffle (loop invariant).
while (n > 1)
int k = rng.Next(n); // 0 <= k < n.
n--; // n is now the last pertinent index;
int temp = array[n]; // swap array[n] with array[k] (does nothing if k == n).
array[n] = array[k];
array[k] = temp;
private void adjustRowOffsets(int indexedRow, int columns, int rowOfWalls)
rowOffset = -columns + (indexedRow * (columns - 1));
topOffset = rowOffset;
leftOffset = (topOffset + (columns - 1));
rightOffset = leftOffset + 1;
bottomOffset = topOffset + rowOfWalls;
private void setWallsToRoom(int rowOfWalls, ref int tO, ref int lO, ref int rO, ref int bO)
tO = (columns - 1) <= (tO % rowOfWalls) && (tO % rowOfWalls) < rowOfWalls ? tO : -1;
lO = 0 <= (lO % rowOfWalls) && (lO % rowOfWalls) < (columns - 1) ? lO : -1;
rO = 0 <= (rO % rowOfWalls) && (rO % rowOfWalls) < (columns - 1) ? rO : -1;
bO = (columns - 1) <= (bO % rowOfWalls) && (bO % rowOfWalls) < rowOfWalls ? bO : -1;
private void checkOverflowOfBottomFloors(int totalNumberOfWalls, ref int bO)
int wallLimit = totalNumberOfWalls - 1;
if (bO > wallLimit)
bO = -1;
October 27, 2012 10:30 PM
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