Game Update

posted in Final Year
Published April 29, 2016

Hey there!

This is an update to the game first discussed here: if you haven't seen it before and would like to check out the "high concept" and the first progress update.

I've reached the end of the semester, so I'm posting the progress I've made thus far. It's come a long way in a month!

First of all, I created an environment for the project using the free Infinity Blade Firelands assets:



I remade the track which was initially just a bunch of placed static meshes and replaced it with a spline. It works well for the most part. It certainly looks much better than before. However, since the pieces were not made to be a track, there are weird collision issues that can really only be remedied with a custom track piece.

I've added in a menu system and UI.

Title Screen/Main Menu:


Player Join/Car Color Selection:


Players are given a random colour when they join the game, but they can use the sliders to manipulate the RGB values and create whatever colour for their car they want.

In Game:


Players information is tracked in the top left. The fill bar is for the pulse weapon that does a radial knockback from the car. The lightning symbol indicates when the player has a boost available. The bomb symbol shows when the player has a mine to drop. The number of rounds won are shown inside the trophy. The person who is in the lead (and has the camera following them) is displayed to the right.



Each game consists of someone winning a total of 10 rounds. A player wins a round by being the last one left on the track or by getting so far ahead of the other player(s) that they can no longer be seen within the camera view. Once someone has won the round, all cars are reset to the last checkpoint in a random place along the track.

Debris and pick-ups are generated randomly on the track so each time a new game is started, the pattern will be different, but the track shape remains the same.

AI cars drive around the track, generally just getting in the way. They will also place down freeze mines on the track every 20 seconds. The AI cars are given waypoints to drive to, which are generated randomly at each checkpoint. Every two seconds, the waypoints will raycast towards the next waypoint. If it is blocked by debris, it will move the waypoint to a new location. In this way, the AI are given a better path over time to drive. If they happen to get stuck or fall off the track, they will disappear and respawn at a new random location.

Below is a gameplay video of the game in action. Thanks for reading!



10 likes 4 comments



Pretty darn cool. Especially for a student project.

April 30, 2016 05:03 PM
Marquette Sexton

Pretty darn cool. Especially for a student project.

Thank you!

April 30, 2016 10:15 PM

Yeah, looks great, especially for a student project.

Have you thought about having the players start off with some initial velocity when spawning from a checkpoint, instead of starting at 0? I was thinking it might help keep the pace of the game fast, instead of start/stop.

May 02, 2016 03:38 PM
Marquette Sexton

Thank you!

Have you thought about having the players start off with some initial velocity when spawning from a checkpoint, instead of starting at 0? I was thinking it might help keep the pace of the game fast, instead of start/stop.

I hadn't thought about it, no, but with the track being elevated and the debris being randomly generated, I would worry about the cars being driven straight off the track or right into some rocks.

May 04, 2016 09:18 AM
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