I don't have a title

Published June 24, 2016

Greetings and salutations :)

It seams i've spent my dev time working with replication in UE4.
It is suprisingly easy so far, You mostly have to set variables and functions to be replicated (and wheather they are to be done reliable and are to run on the server, client, multicast).

I will still think and ponder on my issue with coming up and designing levels, I will probably run into such problems with any game I work on.
Hopefully I can overcome this deficit in my abality to create games.

The project that I have been tinkering with is the FPS demo template.
I have started adding stuff to it like: different weapons, pawns, and other general ground work.

I have been thinking of making this into a proper multiplayer (LAN) game for now, I have titled it "Generic shooter".
Very original name :cool:

Anybody got some tips on how to get into the whole level design stuff?
I have been reading up on it, But it is not helping yet.

Thats all for now.
Till next time,

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Hey Ryan, in my experience level design for multiplayer fps is dependent on how the game functions. can the player jump, how fast do they travel, what kind of weapons do they use, guns, rockets, lazers and so forth. My advice would be to start with a large cube on a flat surface that players have to run around. While playing on this very primitive level think of what things could be added or subtracted from the player's experience. Then replace the cube with a wall with a couple windows. Play on this simple map and exhaust it, continue the process and play test for hours and hours on simple variations so that players are crammed into an environment to play test. Slowly weed out the poor ones and build on the better ones. Soon you'll have an idea of what 'spaces' work well with your game and you'll be able to develop more asset heavy maps that look pretty using the environment already tested.

June 25, 2016 05:37 AM

Thanks for the reply.

Hey Ryan, in my experience level design for multiplayer fps is dependent on how the game functions. can the player jump, how fast do they travel, what kind of weapons do they use, guns, rockets, lazers and so forth. My advice would be to start with a large cube on a flat surface that players have to run around. While playing on this very primitive level think of what things could be added or subtracted from the player's experience. Then replace the cube with a wall with a couple windows. Play on this simple map and exhaust it, continue the process and play test for hours and hours on simple variations so that players are crammed into an environment to play test. Slowly weed out the poor ones and build on the better ones. Soon you'll have an idea of what 'spaces' work well with your game and you'll be able to develop more asset heavy maps that look pretty using the environment already tested.

That's some good advice.

June 28, 2016 08:46 AM
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