Development Catch-up and Intro #1

posted in Korvas' Game Dev
Published March 07, 2017

Hello everybody,

It looks like I've found a place where I can begin posting the progress of my game development. Let me start by talking about the game I'm currently developing. The game will be a top-down 2D RPG/ARPG game with a similar look and feel to Diablo 2, Diablo 3, and Path of Exile. The game is being developed using C++ and SFML. There is much more development on the way, however, so far I've managed to finish the 'engine' for the game which mainly includes physics, collision, particles, and rendering. I've also extracted out some of the map details by developing a map builder (using C# & SFML.Net). Currently, I'm finishing up the UI, entity stats, items, experience points/levels, and inventory. My short-term goals are to persist character progression along with a functioning website. Although this is a side project, it began as curiosity and has turned into quite a learning experience! As development progresses, I will continue to post it here. Below is a video of the current state of the game. There are videos of my progress up to this point on my YouTube channel as well, if anybody is interested.

Latest Update - UI, Items, Stats, XP/Levels:

3 likes 4 comments



This looks great. Definitely something I want to play.

Have you thought about having some kind of effect play when teleporting? It's a little disorienting, at least watching the video it is.

March 07, 2017 10:03 PM

This looks great. Definitely something I want to play.

Have you thought about having some kind of effect play when teleporting? It's a little disorienting, at least watching the video it is.

Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I have thought many times about adding an animation/effect to the Flicker spell, but haven't decided on exactly what I want it to look like yet. Any suggestions would be excellent! A couple of ideas I've thought about: maybe a faint mist trail left behind, a type of sparkle, or a slight blur effect in the view-port.

March 07, 2017 10:23 PM

Any suggestions would be excellent! A couple of ideas I've thought about: maybe a faint mist trail left behind, a type of sparkle, or a slight blur effect in the view-port.

I was thinking some kind of trail would work. This way you could even keep the instant-move type effect and just show the trail from the origin to the new position.

On the other hand, the effect might also benefit from having the player transition to the new position, rather than just instantly being there. Even if it only took a tenth or a twentieth of a second, I think it would help remedy the disorienting effect. Then again, I suspect it's less disorienting than it seems in the video, as the player will be expecting to flicker.

Keep up the great work. I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on this project. I always wanted to make something similar :p

March 08, 2017 11:31 AM

I was thinking some kind of trail would work. This way you could even keep the instant-move type effect and just show the trail from the origin to the new position.

I like this idea. I think I'll move forward with a trailing animation that will stretch from point A to point B. I will post an update once I've implemented it. Thank you for the suggestions and help.

Keep up the great work. I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on this project. I always wanted to make something similar :P

Thank you! You and me both! This has always been a dream of mine. It's been a challenging and exciting project for me.

March 09, 2017 08:25 PM
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