Releasing is scary

Published January 20, 2018

I have released my first free prototype!

How terrifying!

It is strange that I have been working to the moment of releasing something to the public for all of my adult life, and now I have I find it pretty scary.

I have been a developer now for over 20 years and in that time I have released a grand total of 0 products.

The Engine

The engine is designed to be flexible with its components, but so far it uses

Opengl, OpenAL, Python (scripting), CG, everything else is built in

The Games

When I started developing a game I had a pretty grand vision, a 3D exploration game. It was called Cavian, image attached. and yep it was far to complex for my first release. Maybe I will go back to it one day.

I took a year off after that, I had to sell most of my stuff anyway as not releasing games isn't great for your financial situation.


When I came back I was determined to actually release something! I lowered my sights to a car game, it is basically finished but unfortunately my laptop is too old to handle the deferred lighting (Thinkpad x220 intel graphics)  so I can't test it really, going to wait until I can afford a better computer before releasing it.

Still determined to release something I decided to focus more on the gameplay than graphics.

Is This A Game?

Now I have created an Experimental prototype. Its released and everything: 

So far I don't know if it even runs on another computer. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions about any process in the creation of this game design - coding - scripting - graphics - deployment just ask, I will try to make a post on it.

Have a nice day, I have been lurking on here for ages but never really said anything.....

I like my cave



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I got as far as downloading and running and a screen came up asking me to register. Realistically I think you may need to consider how many people are going to register via email just to see if a prototype of something runs, with no idea what it is. It was also accessing the internet to 'update' on the splash screen, which is again not something which implies trust for an unknown program.

January 20, 2018 09:12 AM
3 hours ago, lawnjelly said:

I got as far as downloading and running and a screen came up asking me to register. Realistically I think you may need to consider how many people are going to register via email just to see if a prototype of something runs, with no idea what it is. It was also accessing the internet to 'update' on the splash screen, which is again not something which implies trust for an unknown program.

Thanks for the reply. I totally agree! I don't know what this register screen was? My app doesn't do anything like that? Was it something to do with I just tried to download it and it just downloads my setup.exe?

My app also doesn't have updating or a splash screen.

Was it the itch app?

Looks like on the download itch offers two links confusingly, one for just downloading the setup for the prototype, and one for their app.

Do you think I should be offering a download link not through

Thanks for the feedback it is really useful!


January 20, 2018 01:18 PM

Looks like running the game through the itch app doesn't work anyway so far so thanks for bringing this to my attention, I will take it offline until I've fixed it.

January 20, 2018 01:30 PM

Yeah my mistake with so little sleep and little info, I clicked on the thing saying 'download app', I thought your game was called 'itch'! :)

If is any help I tried the installer on linux on wine, it seemed to install but not the visual studio redistributable runtime for some reason (maybe it doesn't like wine). So when I ran it it failed missing mostly those runtimes. OpenAL did seem to install though.

Then I tried it on my win7 laptop and it failed installing the visual studio runtimes, with an 'unspecified error'. I always find those extra downloads are a pain, especially for test versions, so I usually statically link / include dlls rather than rely on some third party installer especially for a test app. MS installers are practically guaranteed to screw up. Usually you can get your test 'install' down to one .exe file, if you are cunning (you can even pack data into the exe as a resource for example).

It would also be helpful for people to know what are the min specs for your test program, versions of OS, opengl / direct x etc, shader version.

January 20, 2018 02:11 PM
1 minute ago, lawnjelly said:

Yeah my mistake with so little sleep and little info, I clicked on the thing saying 'download app', I thought your game was called 'itch'! :)

If is any help I tried the installer on linux on wine, it seemed to install but not the visual studio redistributable runtime for some reason (maybe it doesn't like wine). So when I ran it it failed missing mostly those runtimes. OpenAL did seem to install though.

Then I tried it on my win7 laptop and it failed installing the visual studio runtimes, with an 'unspecified error'. I always find those extra downloads are a pain, especially for test versions, so I usually statically link / include dlls rather than rely on some third party installer especially for a test app. MS installers are practically guaranteed to screw up. Usually you can get your test 'install' down to one .exe file, if you are cunning (you can even pack data into the exe as a resource for example).

It would also be helpful for people to know what are the min specs for your test program, versions of OS, opengl / direct x etc, shader version.

No problem, thanks again for the info. I haven't tested with wine, but the app actually was largely developed on Linux, I will be aiming to release a proper linux version after I get my head around this one.

Yeah I really hate installers at this point! Having these visual studio runtimes is annoying to deal with. First I had them statically linked as you said, but was told that was a bad idea as they wont update. I will probably end up getting rid of all visual studio stuff to just get rid of it all together, there is nothing the code needs windows stuff for anyway.

I'm glad you mentioned the itch app though as I just tried it through their client and it didn't run anyway.

Urgh, releasing stuff is such a pain :)

January 20, 2018 02:18 PM

If it's a free game, consider uploading to the Projects section as well. Might be more straightforward for people already on, plus you can provide updates integrated with your blog, gallery, profile, etc. :)

(i.e. no bothersome stuff)

January 20, 2018 05:26 PM

Thanks! I will totally do that.

January 20, 2018 05:35 PM

Created a Gamedev project for this now so no need for Hopefully that will make things simpler


January 29, 2018 07:08 AM
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