Week 6

Published April 25, 2018

Hey All, 

Little bit of a lighter week this week.  We have had a set back in my wife's care.  The next two weeks may be small in updates as well as she needs to have radiation, in addition to chemo, Mon-Fri each day for the next two weeks.  So we have lot's going on and we hope that the radiation is going to resolve the complications that we have run into.  It's another reminder of why we want to help people, why we hope the game helps our website and it also helps entertain everyone who has, had, or knows someone with cancer.  So again it’s possible we may not have another blog post for the next 2 weeks. 

For this week updates included are:

  • Random Enemy Generation.  I have written a script that randomly spawns germs into every room.  Not only is the amount of germs spawned in the room completely random, the kind of germ is also random, as well as the position.  Also every time the game is now started a new "seed" is generated.  Now every play through is completely different with what germs and how many are in each room.  
    • Right now it's calculated so that each room has a 33% chance to either have 3, 4, or 5 germs spawned.  
    • There's also a 33% chance that each type of germ has a chance to spawn. 
  • I have also taken the script I wrote and set it up for breakable objects.  So right now the only breakable object in the game are cardboard boxes.  So I have set it up so that the boxes are randomly placed in each room and the amount is random.  If and when I create more breakable objects they will be added to this script. 
  • I have created readable signs.  These signs will provide valuable information to the game world.  Also will provide as a quick tutorial in the game first opening room.  The signs text will display when you are up against it and facing it.  
  • Did some more work on the shadows.
  • made more sprites and objects. 
    • The two kids wanted toilets in the game.  So there are now toilets in the game.  They are objects that will be in the game world to act as on obstacle.  
    • Created caution tape and trash cans.   These are also obstacles.  Can be combined all together to create barriers to close off parts of the room to make it smaller or to provide larger obstacle. 
    • Created new enemy.  He is a wall crawler.  He may not be introduced until the 2nd world. 
    • Boxes now leave a crumbled mess behind when they are destroyed. 
    • Falling animation was cleaned up and looks a lot better now. 
  • Sped up animations. 
    • player now swings faster and recovers quicker.  This allows for a quicker reaction to hit the flying enemies when they are coming after you.  makes game feel "quicker"
    • sped up enemy destroy animations
    • sped up cardboard box destroy animation


UPDATE:  Updated gameplay video.  FPS issue has been resolved and should not run into this anymore!




Previous Entry Week 5
3 likes 2 comments



I like the fact that the description of firecrackers says they go boom and it actually says boom when it explodes.

April 26, 2018 03:24 PM
2 hours ago, thecheeselover said:

I like the fact that the description of firecrackers says they go boom and it actually says boom when it explodes.

Awesome, glad you noticed that.

April 26, 2018 05:41 PM
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