BGP DevLog #190 (Lackluster Progress)

Published October 05, 2018

     Here's my attempt to associate with the moth meme. Just wanna make a public PSA, the Battle Gem Ponies project is NOT dead. It's just kinda on life support. It's hospitalized. Yeah. Progress is still going, but at a snail's pace. Which (believe it or not) is a lot worse than usual.

     Gotta throw that out there because dev time took a massive hit while I'm trying to get a work/life balance going while also living an hour away from the office and ALSO trying to get back in shape after months of little exercise and ALSO, also fussing over finances. It's a mess, and I'm trying to get back on track. Time really flies when there's two endless mountains of work to handle and spend a third of the day sleeping.

Come see what I managed to squeeze out of the last 7 days at

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Exercise is so important hey?  I think it's great that this is a priority for you, I hope you succeed and obtain your personal goals.  I was talking to a message therapist the other day and her and I lead a high activity life-style.  We both think regular aerobic exercise can make all the difference in a persons life, not to be confused with anaerobic exercise ( like walking ).   People will find not only improvements in their moods but also personal motivation.  Periods of lethargy are rare if you keep up an active lifestyle.  

Good on you. 

October 05, 2018 12:11 PM
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