SlingBot Boarding Kongregate Leader-Boards.

posted in Septopus for project Unsettled World
Published December 14, 2018

Game Link:

Okay, all non-racing stats are now updating Kongregate leader-boards.  (Best Trick(combo trick points), Best Airtime(time in air in ms), Best Flight(longest linear distance in air), Best Speed(fastest recorded speed), and Courses Completed.

I'll be adding 3 trophy/medal counters when I get NPCs and racing going (gold,silver, bronze)..

Unfortunately, the stats system on Kongregate is designed mostly to help Kongregate encourage players to earn Kongregate badges and etc. achievements by playing games.  So, the stats system is only a one-way transaction.  Which makes it nearly impossible to display accurate leader-boards in-game.  They display on the side-bar in non-cinematic mode, and I'm sure you can browse to them somewhere else too, but for now I guess that will have to do.

I spent at least 3 hours trying to figure out how to get PlayFab(an actual leader-board back end that's supposedly "partnered" with Kongregate) to work with my WebGL build on Kongregate and no go...  I've used PlayFab before on a PC/Android game and it worked flawlessly, so it's not just me, haha..    Got frustrated with it for now, so Kongregate stats will be all there are for the moment.  haha ;) 

I need to work on some other things for a while...  Like providing some visual feedback on the fact that you've earned points for doing stuff..   Oh yeah, and some NPCs..

Anyhow, there's something at least sort-of competitively motivational in the game now.  lol :D


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I'll play more later tonight. :) 

December 14, 2018 03:36 PM

So, I dunno what I was smoking yesterday, I'm about to finish integrating PlayFab in my development version(also running on Kongregate)..  Haven't had a single issue yet.. haha.

December 15, 2018 03:58 AM
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