Left, Left, Left, Left!

posted in Septopus for project Unsettled World
Published December 23, 2018

So, I found what I suppose you could call a bug. 

And it explains why I've been having so much trouble(I have been, btw) tuning the NPCs on the race courses in my game SlingBot Boarding.  In order to create similarly behaving NPCs to player characters, I'm using a similar script and I'm basing their movement on simulated input derived from a signed angle to destination calculation, where the destination keeps moving until finish line, yada yada..  Anyhow, the player character's movement is based on an axis input (-1 to 1, left to right)  Apparently when I wrote the input simulation code, I somehow forgot the input was clamped from -1 to 1, and not from 0 to 1, which doesn't make any sense for an axis type input anyhow.. 

Long story short, the NPCs have only been able to adjust their course in one direction..  How they've managed to do so well for so long in spite of that, I can't really say.

Fixed!  Now, you better have some airBoost Fuel at hand or you're gonna get smoked on any of the longer courses..  Good thing I've changed how that works already.  Now you get 100 rings a day once you've signed in through Kongregate and those rings are worth 1 full tank of airBoost.  And/or other items I've yet to fill out the store with.  Your account will keep accumulating until it reaches 500. ;)

These new NPCs are faster, more maneuverable, and I think they can airBoost too... It sure feels/looks like they can, even if their rocket particles aren't firing..(still some bugs to work out, most assuredly)..  So, good luck with those first place trophies. :D

It's actually quite fun to race now.



I'm curious, is anybody interested in doing some texture/color work on my models?  I need some paint jobs and fake logos and things like that to make it look like there's more than one robot/snowboard in the game.  You would get full credit, and opportunity for a small cut of(if) revenue.  If so, make a comment or send me a message on here and we'll chat.

These are the models I'm talking about:


One Board.


One Bot.

Obviously, I'll provide the actual .blend files to anybody who commits to doing 5 variations for me(would love more).  This is low resolution "mobile shader" stuff I need, nothing complicated, just needs to be fairly clean so it looks good in high speed with basic lighting.  Preferably diffuse only, but diffuse+normal works if it really adds something. 

I  may post up a classified if nobody replies here in a couple days. ;)  Would really like to add some shine to this game soon.

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Man... You gotta get the Santa Robot skin in game for today! :D 

December 25, 2018 09:55 PM

I had so many ideas too.  Haha, only enough time for code though.

December 25, 2018 10:19 PM
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