Not Changing My Focus

posted in Septopus for project Unsettled World
Published December 27, 2018

Okay, I was fully intending to be posting about my designs for a dungeon crawler prototype that would serve double duty as the intro for my other macro-project. 

That, will not be happening.  I've decided that to split my attentions yet again would be folly.  I have a good game prototype that I just worked my fingers to the bone creating, so I'm going to just go ahead and spend the next couple of months taking that to its next levels while sprinkling in some work on the main project so I don't lose my place too badly..

So, here's my rough list of SlingBot Boarding TO-DOs for before the end of February(gotta give myself some kind of timeline):

  • Some competition modes, where you have to compete in a configurable number of races/etc on specific or user selected courses.
  • Calculations for in-race behaviors, including disqualifications for going too far off course and bonuses for perfect course maneuvers.
  • Investigate shaders, Unity makes it pretty easy to dig into them so I'm going to spend some time on that side of the fence.  I saw a pretty cool how-to vid posted here about using tessellation shaders in Unity to make snow-tracks, I watched it thinking about how cool they would look in this game.. ;)  Maybe not for the WebGL version, but still...
  • Player leveling/achievement/skills system.
  • Refining/completing the replay system, build in the ability to save and share replays, auto share replays for new game records.
  • More NPC types, and better record keeping for races including standings for individual courses. 
  • Ice Road and Tube construction, for building race courses and freestyle park features.
  • Snowball Slinging(and other much more humorous objects).  Knock the competition out of your way!!  Gotta put the Sling in the SlingBots.. ;)
  • LOTS more stuff for the store, some upgrades, but mostly comical skins, doodads, and funny objects for slinging.
  • Adjustable camera settings, including a few other standard and easily switched follow/view modes.
  • PC, Android, and IOS builds.
  • Actual real live online multi-player.
  • Begin ID@XBOX application process.

Not necessarily in that order... Yeah, I think that's enough for now... :D

It only takes me a few minutes to come up with an oppressive list of things to do for this game, I spent most of yesterday evening staring at a blank Unity project trying to figure out where I was going to start on a dungeon crawler prototype.  Everything I wanted to do I somehow talked myself out of before writing a single line of code or creating a single object.  Just not time to change courses I guess.


Next Entry Weekend is over.
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Best to stay the course if that is what your goals are! :) You've put out a lot of work already, and good quality work at that.

Keep up the great work!

December 27, 2018 05:23 AM

Thanks man!  Yeah my focus needs to be on completing something right now, creating an actual tangible product with some kind of value.  And this one just gets more fun as I go along. :D

December 27, 2018 05:33 AM

Your game is something I'll be buying for sure when you release. :) Cannot wait to see more updates!

December 27, 2018 05:36 AM
On 12/26/2018 at 11:36 PM, Rutin said:

Your game is something I'll be buying for sure when you release.

We need to put Rutin in a cloning machine and hit repeat.

January 01, 2019 04:26 PM
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