Dungeon Crawler

posted in DavinCreed
Published February 04, 2019

I've been spending too much time on the looks of things, when I barely have enough time to get the functionality done.

I've added some shading to the main sprite and the rat so they fit in the world a little better:


I also modified the injuries so that less serious injuries have small text and more serious injuries have large text. Added a bar instead of text to show the healing of the injury. Also put in potions.


In the video I show the rat attacking and killing the rat. The rat has the same body system as the payer so it has the same stat effects. I also show how the potions will work, the healing potion heals the body faster because nothing is instant.

The major things I have left to do, is another few mobs, items, inventory, music, sound effects, and the dungeon generation.

5 likes 3 comments



Keep pushing forward. :) 

February 04, 2019 06:56 AM

i like what im seeing. The graphics kind of remind me of Gauntlet.

Out of curiosity how do you plan to generate the dungeons? Do you plan to use a PRNG to determine the entire dungeon from a seed value, then save that seed value to a save game file?

February 04, 2019 10:28 AM

I am planning on generating the next room(s) when the player opens a door. For the challenge, I'm skipping saving altogether. But the plan is to just keep the level as it is up to the save point, then keep generating when the player loads up the game and opens the next door. I'm only going to keep one level, because the player will not be able to go back up to previous floors.

February 04, 2019 02:43 PM
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