GDC 2005: Many Meetings, Part Deux

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published March 08, 2005
Okay, I managed to rectify some of my earlier mistakes in not taking pictures. You'd think I'd know better by now [rolleyes]. So here are faces to go with some of the names I mentioned earlier (and some I didn't)

Jeff Ward - AKA Warden

Here's Chris Oltyan (far left), Dustin Clingman (center) and Jeff Ward, AKA Warden (far right) chatting during one of the breaks in the tutorial sessions

Robin, the official GDC photographer. If you ever see photos of GDC on the CMP website, it was most likely him that shot them. He's a cool guy. I've seen him around since I started attending, but only introduced myself last year. I was happy to see he made it to SF as well.

Jason Della Rocca, chillin' at the IGDA booth, which still isn't completely set up. In the lower right corner there you can see Rudy Geronimo, who didn't want his picture taken earlier and, despite my threat in a previous post, I was too nice to take his pic while he was shielding his face :P

Roger Pedersen (game designer extraordinare - center), looks at a map while Besjon Alivandi (NJ Chapter - right) checks out his datebook

Jason Youzwak and Dan Brady from the NJ Chapter hangin' out with Karthik Swamithian of Screentoons (and also a NJ IGDA Chapter member) at the Serious Games Summit Reception

The AI Brothers Neil Kirby (Lucent Labs) and Steve Woodcock, AKA Ferretman (Raytheon) toast to good times at the Serious Games Summit Reception

So that's the end of today. Now I must slap together the week's newsletter. Ahhh the fun never ends...

Yes there was a teeny bit of sarcasm in there... it is late after all.
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