Published April 21, 2005
So I spent a few hours a few days ago and again last night making a "good enough" pyGame GUI. It's largely what you'd expect, the main window holds "frame" widgets which then contain widgets that may contain widgets and so forth. Completed currently are Frames (with or without a titlebar), Edit Field (single line text box), Button, Radio Button and Label. In the works are a multiline non-input run TextArea, Picture and Scroll Bar.

I figure that that should be enough for my purposes. The current way they are displayed is rather ugly, but its functional and I can worry about prettying it up when it matters. I've made a bit of headway with the network code (fixed an issue) and will probably (try to) merge the two bases tonight.
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hmm.. missed this journal, whose picture is that? Also what is this pyGame you speak of? Are you making some kind of generic editor or tool or something for python based games?

Screenshots and gory details please [grin]. Okay, the details part is not necessary. *looks around innocently* What? Oh okay, I guess it doesnt have to be gory either. But definately screenshots..I think I am rambling now...
April 21, 2005 06:09 PM
Brandon N
Quote:hmm.. missed this journal, whose picture is that?

Howard Philip Lovecraft, an early 20th century author.

Quote:Also what is this pyGame you speak of?

From the site:
Quote:Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games.It is written on top of the excellent SDL library. This allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs in the python language. Pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system.

Quote:Are you making some kind of generic editor or tool or something for python based games?
I'm currently making a 2D Python game (though it's using OpenGL, not the SDL stuff). I'm attempting to make it modular enough that I can use pieces of it elsewhere. Realistically, the most easily separable piece is the UI, which well, stinks right now. Fortunately, its nice given the few hours I've put into that aspect.

As for the game, I'm leaning heavily towards a server-based multiplayer role playing game. The real setback will be art, though I may end up paying a bit to get some things done.

Quote:Screenshots and gory details please . Okay, the details part is not necessary. *looks around innocently* What? Oh okay, I guess it doesnt have to be gory either. But definately screenshots..I think I am rambling now...
It's still early for screenshots. I have console versions of the networked server and client (connecting, basic commands), a graphical client test (without UI) and now have just started the UI (as per my journal). I have to integrate the UI and networking aspects next, probably early next week when I next have time.

I plan on releasing at least the client as open source.

This isn't a super intense project on my behalf. It's a "when I have the time" sort of thing. That's why I chose Python. However, I do intend on getting it up and running.
April 21, 2005 07:03 PM
Hm.. a whole game written in python. Very cool. I'm excited about your work as I'm learning Python myself (you know that).

I'll have to look into using OpenGL with Python. Gotta create some kind of app by next Tuesday, it might as well be graphical!
April 22, 2005 01:30 AM
Brandon N
Cool. At the bottom of my journal you can see two screenshots of a guy walking around and able to chat. The source code that that can be found here. The specific one is Walker.rar. I refactored a bit and a non-moving version is in Proj.rar. The two other files were me playing with some network code.

Things have changed a lot in my code from those files (in fact I'd say completely), and they're somewhat messy, but they're commented well enough that you can probably figure out the important parts if you're interested.

I've begun to use pyGame moreso than GLUT (now only using GLUT for bitmap fonts, which may change soon), and you're welcome to any source I may have at any point (as is anyone else reading this).

Cheers and good luck with your project.
April 22, 2005 05:32 AM
Oh okay, didnt know what pyGame was, had no idea you could do so much with it [and Python too]. Thanks for explaining. :D
April 22, 2005 03:38 PM
Wow, pretty sweet. Will you be releasing any code?
May 07, 2005 02:23 PM
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