OpenGL Window Framework Beta1.1

posted in Not dead...
Published April 29, 2005
So I woke up today to an email from someone who is using the OGLWFW for a problem with multiple windows and multiple threads, which made me feel good as someone is getting some useage out of the project how I intended it [smile]

However, it wasnt all sunshine and nicely as he had fallen foul of my slightly hacked up default messaging system, which is due and overhaul in version 2.0 but at about 4pm today was a slight mess.

His problem was that closing one window causes the whole program to exit as by default once a window is destoryed the system posts a quit message to cause an exit, however as he was performing a task with multiple windows opening and closing this didnt suit him.

So, in my guise as the listening programmer I got off my arse and over the next 5 hours wrote in and tested a simple user messaging system which enabled the user to register call backs (either normal bare function or functor objects) to handle 3 different events (close, destory and resize) as well as preventing execution of the default handlers.

Its a bit hacked up and has some minor issues but until I get around to writing a new version taking into account alot of issues I'm going to have to leave it as it is for now.

So, Beta1.1 is out there, the next version change to Beta1.2 will be when Linux support is finaly completed and working [grin]

OpenGL forum thread with the rest of the details
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Quote:So, in my guise as the listening programmer I got off my arse and over the next 5 hours wrote in and tested a simple user messaging system which enabled the user to register call backs (either normal bare function or functor objects) to handle 3 different events (close, destory and resize) as well as preventing execution of the default handlers.
Now that's some quality service! [smile]
April 30, 2005 02:59 AM
heh, I'm nuffin if not dedicated [grin]
April 30, 2005 11:00 AM
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