
Published June 09, 2005
The world's a funny old place.

Tonight I played a single-player game. I bet the game that the last bus out of Oxford was at 11:30pm. It turns out that it was at 11:00pm. So I lost. The taxi driver got GBP30 more than he otherwise would have done that night (or so I assume - I guess he could have made GBP30 in the time it took to drive me up to Bicester but probably not), but he wasn't involved in the initial bet so I don't think he can be considered a winner (because he's not a player).

This is the essence of "player versus game." It doesn't require AIs for the player to be pitted against; it's playing against the system. More people need to understand that than currently understand that.

Also, I've had about four pints and the keys on my keyboard feel kinda funny. Or maybe it's my hands.
Next Entry Hmm
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Only four pints and you got back at 1am? You clearly didn't start drinking early enough.

June 09, 2005 07:09 PM
Indeed. We also had food, which naturally slowed me down. I think that taking the number of /offers/ of drinks into account I could have gotten through six pints, but I didn't for some reason.
June 10, 2005 03:09 AM
You must try harder to keep up a solid British (or is it the whole UK?) reputation - drink more than the other countries. combined. [smile]

I'm doing my part.
June 10, 2005 06:58 AM
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