4E4 Update

Published June 26, 2005

What you see here is the basic game console which is hooked up to the script interface. There's two entities (scriptable) which can be controlled with the console (and of course with scripts). The entites both have a looping animation and have basic bounding box collision (pixel-collision is coming soon). The script environment is starting to get hooked up into various places, such as the game and the level. Shortly you will be able to set entity states with the script.

It's starting to look like time to ditch the aliens and work on the 'real' game that this engine is powering.
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oooo cryptic [wink]
June 27, 2005 03:10 AM
Dude, what do you mean ditch the aliens? Those aliens look SWEET! [wink]
June 27, 2005 03:43 AM
Rob Loach
GameMonkey, of course? I should have a try at getting it working in C# as Lua isn't doing too well with hooking it up to the C# classes.
June 27, 2005 09:37 AM
GameMonkey it is. I'm not sure you'd be able to hook it up to C#, I don't know as I haven't really tried. I did start to write a managed wrapper for it, but then realised a full C# port would be better.

Are you not using Lua.NET? You should try using C# as a scripting language...
June 27, 2005 09:58 AM
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