
posted in Programmology
Published June 30, 2005
I wish I had more time to devote to art. Art has always been something that fascinates me, and that's why I started studying computer graphics. Computer Science is definitely what drives me most, but without art, what do we have? Recently I've been spending so much time in code I've lost the healthy release of artistic creativity.

But what I have found is that there is an artistic side of coding. I remember having difficulties with drawing because there are so many ways to draw something, so many ways a line could move and take shape. And you know there is no right way of doing it, it is up to you as an artist to find a way that reflects the object to your desire. Sure, there are broad rules to drawing a picture, but you are free to discover your own methods.

With programming, it's easy to think that there is one right way of doing something. But I argue that this is certainly not the case! The rules may me more explicit in this field, but an artistic approach is very important in writing clear code. You can't tell me that there is one way to name variables, indent blocks, format function definitions, etc. The way the code looks is very important in how it's read by you, the programmer, and most importantly the person who debugs. Without a consistent stylistic approach to writing code, it can look ugly and ultimately make it impossible to debug, maintain, or expand.

I've had problems with trying to find the "right way" of doing things, and waste hours of testing and trying out different ways of coding. I've come to believe that I just need to find "my way" of doing things and stick to them. By taking an artistic approach to my code and I can hopefully paint a unique and clear picture of what the code should do.

Note that I'm mostly talking about the style of coding, not the methods involved in programming.
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While there are no "right" ways of doing things, do keep in mind that there are better and more proven ways. Also keep in mind that every way has its tradeoffs.
June 30, 2005 10:45 AM
I have to agree on the "art of coding" - you can often tell the difference between an experienced programmer and a "n00b" this way.

Then again, coding standards can be a complete pain when you don't agree with them [sad]

June 30, 2005 11:07 AM
Quote:While there are no "right" ways of doing things, do keep in mind that there are better and more proven ways. Also keep in mind that every way has its tradeoffs.

This is very true. But when dealing with coding style, this isn't as much of an issue (as the actual performance of the program does not hinge on your style). And yeah, there may be better ways to format your code, but I'd say let the programmer expirement with his own style.

Then again, coding standards can be a complete pain when you don't agree with them

It can be excruciating [grin] but that's what I'm saying, I think someone should just code without a lot of worry about coding standards. If they know what they're doing, they'll probably end up coding along some of the same patterns because there are generally clear ways of writing things.

June 30, 2005 11:49 AM
It'll be interesting to see what type of art you produce.
June 30, 2005 11:52 PM
Rob Loach
Found some new ones:

FreeBSD Girl

Gentoo Girl
Click Here

Windows Girl
July 01, 2005 08:42 AM

Good work Rob! All those flame wars and endless debates, for nothing. All it took was a google image search, and it was solved.

The winner is... Gentoo
Hands down [grin]

Second place... FreeBSD
She's cute

Last place... Windows
She's so ugly you can't even look at her face
July 01, 2005 09:03 AM
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