Progress, or something like it....

Published July 06, 2005
Well, I think my estimation of finishing my engine within a "~month" may be slightly off [grin]

Now that I think about it, I think dgreen02 said: "~month or two".

Two months is more like it, but I think I'd be able to pull this off if I really wanted to.

My engine's name is Starbreeze.

Usually you shouldn't have to worry about using someone else's 3D Engine name, right? There's not that many to come in conflict with, right? What are the odds you'd use the name of someone else's engine?

That's only for things like tv, radio, newspaper, and inventions right?


These clowns don't know who they're dealing with. When they see the truly awesome power of my engine--

--they'll quake with fear, and *give* me the rights to that name. Muahaha!
Next Entry .
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LOL, now that is something special. How dare they try to grab Starbreeze. My game engine, Doom 3, has the same problem.
July 06, 2005 09:58 PM
The Forgotten Mindset
Yeah, I also made Havak not too long ago, but those guys know where to get some good lawyers [grin].
July 06, 2005 11:35 PM
You could always spell it differently I guess? St@rbr33ze?
July 07, 2005 03:38 AM
The Forgotten Mindset
yeah, but C++ doesn't really like the @ character :)

but this could work:

July 07, 2005 10:14 AM
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