T3h Tanks!!11!1!

Published July 27, 2005
Just thought you guys would like to know that I got another unit type, tanks, in the game today. Here is a screenie:

Also, I added some code yesterday to add life bars above each units head (you can see it in yesterdays screenshot also). If anyone is interested, here is the code I used for the life bars:

SDL_Rect life_bar;life_bar.x = i->rect.x;life_bar.y = i->rect.y;life_bar.w = i->health * 2;life_bar.h = 4;SDL_FillRect(board_area, &life_bar, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 200, 0));

i is an iterator of an STL list of units. Although the code is very simple, it looks great in the game.
Previous Entry A shot of the screen!
Next Entry Ugh...
0 likes 3 comments


Very cool!!!
July 27, 2005 06:19 PM
I've thus far been reading your journal in the peaceful solitude of anonymity. But NO MORE!

The game's coming along nicely, but I just have to ask: when are we going to get a demo?
July 27, 2005 07:49 PM
Quote:The game's coming along nicely, but I just have to ask: when are we going to get a demo?

I'm hoping to have a demo very, very soon. Actually, I'm thinking of posting the demo in the AI forum so people can test out the AI opponents I've been working on.
July 27, 2005 08:44 PM
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