The Anti-blocky!

Published September 28, 2005
Got my first baddys running on screen:

I call them the Anti-Blocky, AKA the Blocky Man equlivalient of Super Mario Goombas.

I'm having a great time working on this game. I've always wanted to make a Mario clone, and I'm suprised I didn't do this sooner.

The enemies don't interact with Blocky Man yet, so the player can move right through them. However, they do move from side to side like mario enemies.

Tommorrow I'll actually make it so they do something besides move around.
Previous Entry At least it works...
Next Entry Teleportation...
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Rock on, man. Keep it up. Can't wait to play this one!

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So do you have a level editor? Or you making them by hand?
September 28, 2005 08:18 PM
Sir Sapo
Oh how I love your programmer art Stompy[wink]!

Thats pretty cool.
September 28, 2005 09:23 PM
One thing that this game is going to need is that annoying/catchy type of video game music... it just won't be a proper clone without it.
September 28, 2005 09:56 PM
So far I'm doing the levels by hand, but I plan to build a map editor soon.

And yeah, I'm definetly gonna get some mad 80's MIDI tracks up in here[grin]
September 28, 2005 10:05 PM
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