My System Library

posted in MrEvil's Journal
Published November 04, 2005
Here is a piece of TriINTERCAL code never seen before. I shall warn you now, it is not pretty [grin]

Without further ado, I present you my TriINTERCAL system library, which is almost complete.

	(1000)	PLEASE IGNORE .4		PLEASE ABSTAIN FROM (1005)	(1009)	DO STASH .1 + .2 + .5 + .6		DO .4 <- #1		DO (1004) NEXT	(1004)	PLEASE FORGET #1		DO .3 <- '^.1$.2'~'#0$#29524'		DO .6 <- "'&"'^"'&"'^"'&.1$.2'~'#0$#29524'"$#29524'~'#0$#29524'"$#59048'			 ~'#0$#29524'"$#29524'~'#0$#29524'"$#59048'~'#0$#29524'"		PLEASE DO .5 <- "V!6~#19683'$#1"~#1		DO (1002) NEXT		DO .4 <- #2	(1005)	DO (1006) NEXT	(1999)	DOUBLE OR SINGLE PRECISION OVERFLOW	(1002)	DO (1001) NEXT	(1006)	PLEASE FORGET #1		PLEASE DO .5 <- "V'".6~.6"~#1'$#1"~#1		DO (1003) NEXT		DO .1 <- .3		DO .2 <- "!6$#0'~'#9841$#2'"~#59048		DO .2 <- '^.2$.2'~'#0$#29524'		DO (1004) NEXT	(1003)	DO (1001) NEXT		DO REINSTATE (1005)	(1007)	PLEASE RETRIEVE .1 + .2 + .5 + .6		DO REMEMBER .4		PLEASE RESUME #2	(1001)	DO RESUME .5	(1010)	DO STASH .1 + .2 + .4		DO .4 <- .1		DO .1 <- '?#59048$.2'~'#0$#29524'		DO (1020) NEXT		PLEASE DO .2 <- .4		PLEASE DO (1009) NEXT		DO RETRIEVE .1 + .2 + .4		PLEASE RESUME #1	(1020)	DO STASH .2 + .3		DO .2 <- #1		PLEASE DO (1021) NEXT	(1021)	DO FORGET #1		DO .3 <- "V!1~.2'$#1"~#1		PLEASE DO .1 <- '^.1$.2'~'#0$#29524'		DO (1022) NEXT		DO .2 <- !2$#0'~'#9841$#1'		DO (1021) NEXT	(1023)	PLEASE RESUME .3	(1022)	DO (1023) NEXT		PLEASE RETRIEVE .2 + .3		PLEASE RESUME #2	(1030)	DO ABSTAIN FROM (1033)		PLEASE ABSTAIN FROM (1032)	(1039)	DO STASH :1 + .5		DO (1530) NEXT		DO .3 <- :1~#29524		PLEASE DO .5 <- :1~'#29403$#29403'		DO .5 <- 'V"!5~.5'~#2"$#1'~#1		DO (1031) NEXT	(1032)	DO (1033) NEXT		DO (1999) NEXT	(1031)	DO (1001) NEXT	(1033)	DO .4 <- .5		DO REINSTATE (1032)		PLEASE REINSTATE (1033)		DO RETRIEVE :1 + .5		PLEASE RESUME #2	(1060)  DO .3<-'V".1$.2"'~'#0$#29524'		DO RESUME #1	(1070)  DO .3<-'&".1$.2"'~'#0$#29524'		DO RESUME #1	(1080)  DO .3<-'?".1$.2"'~'#0$#29524'		DO RESUME #1	(1090)  DO .3<-'^".1$.2"'~'#0$#29524'		DO RESUME #1	(1091)  DO .3<-'@".1$.2"'~'#0$#29524'		DO RESUME #1	(1500)	PLEASE ABSTAIN FROM (1502)		PLEASE ABSTAIN FROM (1506)	(1509)	PLEASE STASH :1 + .1 + .2 + .3 + .4 + .5 + .6		DO .1 <- :1~#29524		PLEASE DO .2 <- :2~#29524		DO (1009) NEXT		DO .5 <- .3		PLEASE DO .6 <- .4		DO .1 <- :1~'#29403$#29403'		DO .2 <- :2~'#29403$#29403'		DO (1009) NEXT		DO .1 <- .3		PLEASE DO (1503) NEXT		DO .6 <- .4		DO .2 <- #1		DO (1009) NEXT		DO .1 <- .3		DO (1501) NEXT	(1504)	PLEASE RESUME .6	(1503)	DO (1504) NEXT	(1501)	DO .2 <- .5		DO .5 <- "V.6$.4"~#1		DO (1505) NEXT	(1506)	DO (1502) NEXT		PLEASE DO (1999) NEXT	(1505)	DO (1001) NEXT	(1502)	DO :4 <- .5		DO (1520) NEXT		DO :3 <- :1		PLEASE RETRIEVE :1 + .1 + .2 + .3 + .4 + .5 + .6		DO REINSTATE (1502)		DO REINSTATE (1506)		PLEASE RESUME #3	(1510)	DO STASH :1 + :2 + :4		DO :1 <- "'?":2~'#29524$#0'"$#59048'~'#0$#29524'"$"'?":2~'#0$#29524'"$#59048'~'#0$#29524'"		DO :2 <- #1		DO (1509) NEXT		PLEASE RETRIEVE :1		DO :2 <- :3		PLEASE DO (1509) NEXT		DO RETRIEVE :2 + :4		PLEASE RESUME #1	(1520)	PLEASE STASH .3 + .4		DO .3 <- .1~#22143		DO (1525) NEXT		PLEASE DO .4 <- 'V.3$".2~#22143"'~'#0$#29524'		DO .3 <- .1~#7381		PLEASE DO (1525) NEXT		DO :1 <- .4$"'V.3$".2~#7381"'~'#0$#29524'"		PLEASE RETRIEVE .3 + .4		DO RESUME #1	(1525)	DO .3 <- !3$#0'~'#121$#242'		DO RESUME #1	(1530)	DO STASH :2 + :3 + .3 + .5		DO :1 <- #0		DO :2 <- .2		DO .3 <- #1		DO (1535) NEXT	(1535)	PLEASE FORGET #1		DO .5 <- "@'"^!1~.3'$#7"~#4'$#2"~#10		DO (1531) NEXT		PLEASE DO (1500) NEXT		DO :1 <- :3		DO (1500) NEXT		DO :1 <- :3		PLEASE DO (1533) NEXT	(1531)	DO (1534) NEXT		DO (1500) NEXT		DO :1 <- :3		DO FORGET #1		DO (1533) NEXT	(1534)	PLEASE DO (1001) NEXT		DO FORGET #1	(1533)	DO FORGET #1		DO .3 <- !3$#0'~'#9841$#1'		DO :2 <- ":2~'#0$#29524'"$"'":2~'#9841$#0'"$#0'~'#9841$#1'"		PLEASE DO .5 <- "V'".3~.3"~#2'$#1"~#1  		DO (1532) NEXT		DO (1535) NEXT	(1532)	DO (1001) NEXT		PLEASE RETRIEVE :2 + :3 + .3 + .5		DO RESUME #2	(1540)	PLEASE ABSTAIN FROM (1541)		DO ABSTAIN FROM (1542)	(1549)	PLEASE STASH :1 + :2 + :4 + :5 + .1 + .2 + .5 + .6		DO .1 <- :1~#29524		PLEASE DO .2 <- :2~'#29403$#29403'		DO .5 <- :1~'#29403$#29403'		DO (1530) NEXT		DO :3 <- :1		DO .2 <- :2~#29524		PLEASE DO (1530) NEXT		DO :5 <- :1		DO .1 <- .5		DO (1530) NEXT		DO :4 <- :1		PLEASE DO :1 <- ":3~'#29403$#29403'"$":4~'#29403$#29403'"		DO .5 <- ':1~:1'~#1		DO .5 <- "V!5~#2'$#1"~#1		DO .2 <- :2~'#29403$#29403'		DO (1530) NEXT		DO .6 <- ':1~:1'~#1		DO .6 <- "V!6~#2'$#1"~#1		PLEASE DO .5 <- 'V.6$.5'~#1		DO .1 <- :3~#29524		DO .2 <- #0		DO (1520) NEXT		PLEASE DO :2 <- :1		PLEASE DO .1 <- :4~#29524		DO (1520) NEXT		DO (1509) NEXT		PLEASE DO .5 <- "V.5$':4~#1'"~#1		DO :1 <- :3		DO :2 <- :5		DO (1509) NEXT		PLEASE DO .5 <- "V.5$':4~#1'"~#1		PLEASE RETRIEVE :4	(1541)	DO :4 <- .5		DO (1543) NEXT	(1542)	DO (1544) NEXT		PLEASE DO (1999) NEXT	(1543)	DO (1001) NEXT	(1544)	DO REINSTATE (1541)		PLEASE REINSTATE (1542)		PLEASE RETRIEVE :1 + :2 + :5 + .1 + .2 + .5 + .6		DO RESUME #2	(1900)	DO STASH .2 + .3 + .5		DO .1 <- #0		DO .2 <- #1		PLEASE DO (1901) NEXT	(1901)	DO FORGET #1		DO %33 .1 <- 'V.1$.2'~'#0$#29524'		DO %33 .1 <- "V!1$".2~#59048"'"~"#0$#29524"		DO .2 <- !2$#0'~'#9841$#1'		PLEASE DO .5 <- 'V"!2~.2'~#2"$#1'~#1		DO (1902) NEXT		DO (1901) NEXT	(1902)	DO (1001) NEXT		DO RETRIEVE .2 + .3 + .5		PLEASE RESUME #2	(1550)	DO STASH :1 + :4 + :5 + .5		DO :3 <- #0		DO .5 <- 'V"':2~:2'~#2"$#1'~#1		DO READ OUT #3000 + .5		PLEASE DO (1551) NEXT		DO :4 <- #1		PLEASE DO (1553) NEXT	(1553)	DO FORGET #1		DO .5 <- :2~'#19683$#0'		DO .5 <- "?!5~#2'$#1"~#1		DO READ OUT #4000 + .5		DO (1552) NEXT		DO :2 <- ":2~'#0$#29524'"$"'":2~'#9841$#0'"$#		   0'~'#9841$#1'"		PLEASE DO :4 <- ":4~'#0$#29524'"$"'":4~'#9841		     $#0'"$#0'~'#9841$#1'"		DO (1553) NEXT	(1552)	DO (1001) NEXT	(1556)	PLEASE FORGET #1		DO :5 <- "'?":1~'#29524$#0'"$":2~'#29524$#0'"'		     ~'#0$#29524'"$"'?":1~'#0$#29524'"$":2~'#0$		     #29524'"'~'#0$#29524'"		DO .5 <- '&"':2~:5'~'"'^"'?:5~:5'			~'#29524$#0'"$#19683'~'#0$#29524'"		     $"'?:5~:5'~'#0$#29524'"'		     "$"':5~:5'~#1"'~#1		DO .5 <- "?!5~#2'$#1"~#1		DO NOTE THAT THE ABOVE THREE LINES DO NOT WORK		DO READ OUT #1000 + .5		DO (1554) NEXT		DO :5 <- :3		DO (1510) NEXT		PLEASE DO :1 <- :3		DO READ OUT #5000		DO :3 <- "'^":4~'#29524$#0'"$":5~'#29524$#0'"'		     ~'#0$#29524'"$"'^":4~'#0$#29524'"$":5~'#0$		     #29524'"'~'#0$#29524'"		DO (1556) NEXT	(1554)	PLEASE DO (1001) NEXT	(1555)	DO FORGET #1		DO .5 <- '?":4~#2"$#1'~#1		DO READ OUT #2000 + .5		DO (1551) NEXT		DO :2 <- ":2~'#0$#29523'"$":2~'#29524$#0'"		DO :4 <- ":4~'#0$#29523'"$":4~'#29524$#0'"		PLEASE DO (1556) NEXT	(1551)	DO (1001) NEXT		PLEASE RETRIEVE :1 + :4 + :5 + .5		PLEASE RESUME #2

I have yet to write routine (1550), 10-trit (roughly 32-bit) division. Once I have implement this I can go on to write (1050) and (1910). The problem I am encountering is that of 10-trit comparison.

The (1550) routine works by repeatedly shifting the denominator leftwards by one trit (thus multiplying by 3), and subtracting the denominator from the numerator. (In the case of the denominator being zero, we set the overflow bit (.4), and return. Let us call the denominator y, and the numerator x, so that we are calculating x/y. Let the quotient be q, and the remainder r. We repeatedly subtract y from x, until x < y.

If it takes us two subtractions to do this, we set the current trit of the quotient to 2. If it takes us only one subtraction, we set the current trit to 1, otherwise we set it to 0. Let us also have a number b, representing the current trit that we are twiddling. This starts at 2, and we use the V (or) mechanism to OR it with the current quotient, thus setting that bit, then we shift b leftwards by one trit. We repeat until b is 0, i.e. we have shifted the 2 trit off the edge.

This is clearly a constant time operation. The above algorithm is not, however, perfected. I haven't determined a way to set the current bit of the quotient to 2 or 1 or 0 depending on the amount of times we had to subtract y from x. I suspect we may have to either:

  • Have two variables which contain the bit to OR into the quotient.

I hope you understood all that, and I also hope someone knows how to test for 10-trit greater-than in TriINTERCAL. [grin]

At the moment, I think it should look something like this:
		DO :5 <- "'?":1~'#29524$#0'"$":2~'#29524$#0'"'		     ~'#0$#29524'"$"'?":1~'#0$#29524'"$":2~'#0$		     #29524'"'~'#0$#29524'"		DO .5 <- '&"':2~:5'~'"'?"'?:5~:5'			~'#29524$#0'"$#19683'~'#0$#29524'"		     $"'?:5~:5'~'#0$#29524'"'		     "$"':5~:5'~#1"'~#1		DO .5 <- "?!5~#2'$#1"~#1
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It would appear that I broke something... I don't remember setting it to red monospace font [sad]
November 04, 2005 04:59 PM
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