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Published November 20, 2005
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Looks good to me. Some good pictures as well... although I have to ask about this one. It mentions "these three pictures" - is it a composite of 3 different ones? The ground looks mouldy [oh]

Any reason why all the photos are left-aligned yet the text is mostly centered? I'm not exactly a great designer... but it seems that the image should match the text or the text match the image?

Quote: loves – ...stuff... oli

[lol] How come you're at the end of the list?

November 20, 2005 07:43 AM
Rob Loach
November 20, 2005 10:48 PM
Quote:Any reason why all the photos are left-aligned yet the text is mostly centered? I'm not exactly a great designer... but it seems that the image should match the text or the text match the image?

Firefox bug - in IE it looks fine. I'll need to correct that at some point ;)

November 21, 2005 03:18 AM
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