
posted in A Keyboard and the Truth for project 96 Mill
Published December 21, 2005
Alright, alright! Stop that cheering, I'm not dead!

As many of you have noticed my journal posting of late has turned from a trickle to a dead stop, there are a few reasons for this =)

1. Ahhh-choo
I've had a cold so I am sorta sick right now, but getting better.

2. I'm back in the lab... yo... =D
Thats right, I'm hard at work on many things, most of these things are requiring some heavy learning on my part, so it's been all books/articles and no fun for Raymond.

Much like the time before the MW development kick-off (which not many of you remember because you didn't even know who I was back then) I am hard at work and not saying much =)

3. Selling MW
While we do have an excellent director of marketing, I am still involved in the sales and promotion of Morning's Wrath, we've managed to hit the same quantity of sales for three months in a row, so that is very pleasing =D

and our review from GrrlGamer.com is finally out =D

With that said, chances are, when I really start to re-surface you are going to see somthing totaly unexpected, so hang in there =D
Previous Entry =)
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I would soooooo want to bring Princess Morning home for my Christmas [grin]
December 21, 2005 08:15 PM
Glad to see you’re still around. I hope you get better soon and have some cool screenshots of the game ready [wink]
December 21, 2005 11:55 PM
hehehe, yes I rather like that rendition of Morning :D

I am really itching to spill-the-beans on what I am working on, but I dare not without some concrete proof =)

it is not quite what I set out to do, originally, but after some thought I think it will be better all around.
December 22, 2005 09:13 AM
Hay, glad to hear things are going ok. I hope that cold passes soon!
December 26, 2005 07:10 PM
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