Movin right along

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 28, 2006
Monday, Feb 27

Okay so I got special system density re-implemented. It only took me about 45 minutes or so, and I didn't have nearly as much trouble as I did the first time I did it. So that's good. Tomorrow hopefully I'll have time to get the image maps exposed and the missing maps handled. Newsletter's been handled as well, so I guess it's about time to sit back and watch some more TV shows. Wheeee [smile]. I hve one more episode of Atlantis to watch before I start on Battlestar. I missed the last three episodes of all three shows before the mid-season break so I've watched 4 SG-1 episodes in a row to get me caught up with the first half of the season (plus one of the next half - damn cliffhangers :P). I'm one episode away from 4 Atlantis episodes in a row and next I'll watch 4 Battlestar episodes in a row. After that I'll do SG-1, Atlantis, Battlestar. SG-1, Atlantis, Battlestar.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [grin]
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